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####See also: Integration Test

This component provides the bulk of the spatial web services for the Atlas' spatial portal that make use of spatial data in Shape or Grid format.

It includes:

  • A management console ingestion of Shape and Grid files
  • Flexible field mapping capability allowing grouping of multipolygons by different fields provided in the DBF
  • Maxent modelling
  • Tabulation
  • Species polygon distributions
  • Intersection services
  • Track...


  • Grails 4 web application ran in the tomcat 9 or as standalone executable jar
  • Open JDK 8
  • PostGIS database (9.6 or above)
  • Geoserver

Setup environment

Modify configurations in


The dependent services point to other production servers by default

The default production url is

The default develop url is

Minimum configurations in external config file:

    api_key: xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx
        apikey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Set the following configurations if deployed on servers, instead of development/prod environment

#grails.server.context: /ws

    apikey: "xxxxxxxxxxxx"

api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    url: ''
    username: 'admin'
    password: 'xxxxxxxx'

    url: 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost/layersdb'
    username: postgres
    password: xxxxxxxxx

batch_sampling_passwords: ""

# config
spatialService.url: ""
shp2pgsql.path: "/usr/bin/shp2pgsql"
gdal.dir: "/usr/bin/"

slaveKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
serviceKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

layers_store.GEONETWORK_URL: ''


There are ansible scripts for this applications (and other ALA tools) in the ala-install project. The ansible playbook for the spatial-service is here

You can also run this application locally by following the instructions on its wiki page.

Running it locally

Here are some instructions for running spatial-service locally for development. The assumption here is that you are trying to run spatial-service in an IDE such as IntelliJ

There is a docker-compose YML file under docker folder that can be used to run postgres & geoserver locally for local development purposes. To use, run:

cd ./docker
docker-compose up -d

And to shutdown:

docker-compose -f kill

Geoserver: http://localhost:8079/geoserver

Postgis is under standard 5432 port

There is also a requirement for have GDAL installed locally. This can be done with HomeBrew on Mac OSX

brew install gdal

Note: On Mac OSX, GGDAL tools are installed here /usr/local/bin/ or /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gdal/xxxx-version. You can use the gdal.dir configuration property to specify the location if different.

Configure geoserver with the required postgis layers using spatial-service:


Disable authentication when running locally by creating the configuration file /data/spatial-service/config/ with the contents:


PDF area report

Override output by putting edited files from /src/main/resources/areareport/ into /data/spatial-service/config/.

  • *.html Edit for internationalization.
  • AreaReport.css Edit for style changes.
  • header.jpg Edit the default front page header image.
  • AreaReportDetails.json Definition of pages and page content in the area report.

The struture of AreaReportDetails.json

  type: pageType,
  pageType attributes,
  items: [
    type: itemType,
    itemType attributes


pageType attribute attribute description
title image relative path to the image file
counts array of items displayed in the style of a dashboard
general items array of items
subpages the number of subpages. Each page is identical except for the fq used.
fqs array of biocache-service fq terms. One fq is required for each subpage.
{itemAttribute}{itemNumber} array of item attribute values.
file file relative path to the html file


itemType attribute attribute description
table table one of: species, expertdistributions, checklists, journalmap, occurrences, tabulation
value mandatory for table=tabulation. The field for tabulation, e.g. cl22
endemic optional for table=species. true or false (default=false)
text text HTML text to display
map buffer approximate buffer around the selected area as a % of the area width
layer optional layer to add. Use layer short name.
legendUrl optional URL to geoserver GetLegendGraphic request
fq optional fq
LABELS type one of: species, expertdistributions, checklists, journalmap, occurrences
label HTML text format. e.g. "label value <b>%s</b>"
name mandatory for type=attribute, area attribute: area_km, name
field mandatory for type=species, count of unique values in a SOLR field. e.g. names_and_lsid
endemic optional for type=species, use endemic species count. true or false (default=false)
fq optional for type=species OR type=occurrences

Integration Test


The build is setup to work with Firefox and Chrome.

Have a look at the build.gradle and the src/test/resources/GebConfig.groovy file.

From line 200 in build.gradle, you will find how we pass different test servers and authentication into tests.


Run with Firefox (default):

./gradlew :integrationTest -Dusername=xxxx -Dpassword=xxxxx

Or store authentication into file:


then run:

./gradlew :integrationTest

See How to pass authentication in

run with Chrome:

./gradlew :integrationTest -Ddriver=chrome

Chrome driver > 89 is not available for webdirver Use npm to set the chrome driver version and reference the lib path from node_modules.

Add "chromedriver": "89.0.0" to package.json

Run npm install

In ./gebConfig.groovy

if (!System.getProperty("")) {
    System.setProperty("", "node_modules/chromedriver/bin/chromedriver")

Test other servers:

./gradlew :integrationTest -DbaseUrl=


Authentication info can be passed through with -Dusername and -Dpassword

/gradlew :integrationTest -Dusername=xxxx -Dpassword=xxxxx

Or stored in a config file. The default config file is located in



We can change the config file with -DconfigFile

/gradlew :integrationTest -DconfigFile=""