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This is a stand-alone Python based command-line tool to manage ArcGIS vector styles. This tool is intended to be shipped with ArcGIS Data Appliance device to publish new Vector Tile Style items.

Dependencies to be installed

To build this tool, you need to following dependencies satisfied in your Python environment. I recommend using conda and creating a new environment. You can do that using

conda create --name vstyle_data_app python=3.5

then activate this env

source activate vstyle_data_app

Then install the following packages in your newly created active env

conda install requests
pip install pyinstaller
conda install urllib3

If your development env is Windows, then install pypiwin32

pip install pypiwin32

Then clone this project using the command

git clone

Building the stand-alone tool

The script src/ is the base script that you want to build. It accepts command line arguments. To build this into an app, run the following

pyinstaller src/

this will create a dist and build folders. You ship the dist to the customers. If this works well, you can build the app into a single file (which includes a Python kernel and dependencies)

pyinstaller src/ --onefile

Running the tool

Stand-alone version on Windows

The tool accepts command line args. The password is optional. If you don't specify as command line arg, then the tool will ask for it during runtime. Running this tool in help mode prints the following

λ StyleUploader.exe -h
=================================ESRI VECTOR STYLE MANAGER===============================
usage: StyleUploader.exe [-h] [-p PASSWORD] [-met METADATA] [-pub PUBLIC]
                         portalurl username service_url folder_path

positional arguments:
  portalurl             Enter portal url in the form:
  username              Enter admin username
  service_url           Enter the URL of base vector tile service. URL should
                        be of the form
  folder_path           Enter path to the folder containing one or more vector

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Enter admin password. If password is not entered, it
                        will be requested during runtime
  -met METADATA, --metadata METADATA
                        Metadata foler name
  -pub PUBLIC, --public PUBLIC
                        Make Items public?

Stand-alone version on Windows with all arguments

E:\code\arcgis_desktop\vector_style_manager\dist\StyleUploader (master)                                             
λ StyleUploader.exe admin
World_basemap_v2017R15_wmas/VectorTileServer E:\code\arcgis_desktop\vector_style_manager\sample_styles -pub True    
=================================ESRI VECTOR STYLE MANAGER===============================                           
Enter admin password:                                                                                               
Connecting to ArcGIS Enterprise : Token obtained: vhQIQx4RxAlkSTw-oeKGw8MvNsi9G-a8FjbDy-FfuKZOi-uR1fpKQLoSXClgTlmyPE
Scanning for styles  : found 1 styles                                                                               
Adding dark_gray ...                                                                                                
    Item created with id : 898c3b2e965f4ccaacdc2f28867a9a2f                                                         
    Item shared with public                                                                                         
    Uploading styles/root.json                                                                                      
    URLs in styles/root.json updated                                                                                
    Uploaded styles/root.json                                                                                       
    Uploading sprites                                                                                               
    Uploaded sprite.json                                                                                            
    Uploaded sprite.png                                                                                             
    Uploaded sprite@2x.json                                                                                         
    Uploaded sprite@2x.png                                                                                          
    Uploading info/root.json                                                                                        
    Uploaded info/root.json                                                                                         
    Uploading fonts                                                                                                 
    Found 0 font files                                                                                              
    Fonts - total files on disk: 0. Number of files uploaded: 0                                                     
  Finished uploading item and its resources                                                                         
End of tool                                                                                                         

Dev version of the tool - mac

~/Documents/code/arcgis_desktop/vector_style_manager/dist/StyleUploader [master] $ ./StyleUploader --help
=================================ESRI VECTOR STYLE MANAGER===============================
usage: StyleUploader [-h] [-p PASSWORD] [-met METADATA]
                     portalurl username service_url folder_path

positional arguments:
  portalurl             Enter portal url in the form:
  username              Enter admin username
  service_url           Enter the URL of base vector tile service. URL should
                        be of the form
  folder_path           Enter path to the folder containing one or more vector

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Enter admin password. If password is not entered, it
                        will be requested during runtime
  -met METADATA, --metadata METADATA
                        Metadata foler name

Dev version of the tool with command line args

You can run it as shown below:

~/Documents/code/arcgis_desktop/vector_style_manager/dist/StyleUploader [master] $ ./StyleUploader atma.mani ../../try
=================================ESRI VECTOR STYLE MANAGER===============================
Enter admin password: 
Connecting to ArcGIS Enterprise : Token obtained: vP72_zAuZrZzC4NBC
Scanning for styles  : found 2 styles

Adding ...
  ** Error [Errno 20] Not a directory: '../../try/'
  ** Skipping to next style
Adding streetmaphybrid ...
    Item created with id : 9ddb8a73fd0d4415809d895e830f1e73
    Uploading styles/root.json
    URL in styles/root.json updated
    Uploaded styles/root.json
    Uploading sprites
    Uploaded sprite.json
    Uploaded sprite.png
    Uploaded sprite@2x.json
    Uploaded sprite@2x.png
    Uploading info/root.json
    Uploaded info/root.json
    Uploading fonts
    Found 0 font files
    Fonts - total files on disk: 0. Number of files uploaded: 0
  Finished uploading item and its resources

End of tool