Loan Contracts
- Git
- Node.Js
- Truffle
git clone
cd ethereum-contracts
npm install
Now run the tests:
truffle test
reward Reward rewardee for calling update on oracle
setAssetPrice Called by Chainlink or Oraclize to update the asset price (Bitcoin)
setPaymentTokenPrice Called by Chainlink to update the payment token price (LINK)
peek Return asset price without validating
read Return asset price with validation
assetPrice Price of asset (Bitcoin)
assetPriceUpdated Ture if setAssetPrice is called by Oraclize or Chainlink
asyncRequests List of requests for updating the oracle
disbursement Equal to payment amount if oracle requirements are satisfied after calling update on the oracle (price changed by at least 1%)
expiry Expiration time when oracle is considered no longer active or reliable (12 hours)
payment Amount paid by the user to update the oracle
paymentTokenPrice The price of the payment token (For Chainlink oracles: LINK)
paymentTokenPriceUpdated True if setPaymentTokenPrice is called by Chainlink
rewardAmount Amount rewardee receives if there are sufficient tokens after calling update on the oracle and receiving a response from Chainlink or Oraclize
rewardee Address of user that calls update with the intention of receiving a reward
timeout Delay until oracle `update` can be called again
token Token rewardee requests to receive when calling update on the oracle
compute Compute median of oracles
fund Send funds to oracles to be used for reward
poke Recompute the median of the oracles
setMaxReward Called by deployer to setMaxReward for Chainlink Oracles (since there is no way to determine cost of call)
setOracles Called by deployer once to set oracle addresses
peek Return asset price without validating
read Return asset price with validation
assetPrice Price of asset (Bitcoin_)
deployer Oracle and Medianizer deployer
hasPrice True if asset price valid
minOraclesRequired Minimum number of updated oracles required to get valid price
on Oracles set after deployment
oracles List of oracles