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- 🤖 Greetings, I am @AtomicMegaNerd.
- 👋 你好。我在学习中文。虽然学中文有点难,我还喜欢这样做。很高兴认识你!
- 🐍 At work I have wrtten a ton of Python and Java. I am learning Go. I have also coded in Scala, C++, JavaScript (and variants like TypeScript), PHP, and even Lua. I have dabbled in Haskell and Rust.
- 🐟 I love the fish shell because it is awesome.
- 🥷 I am also learning how to become a speedy code ninja in Neovim. LSP and tmux make Neovim awesome! This is how I write code these days.
- 💻 I spend most of my computing time on UNIX-based systems like macOS and Linux.
- 🐧 Lately I have been having a lot of fun with Nix ❄️. In fact, my Mac and my Linux box are both using Nix. This is a really fun rabbit hole!
- 🛠 Other tools that I love include Alacritty and Amethyst on the Mac, as well as the modern UNIX stuff like exa, bat, duf, dust, and htop.
I enjoy doing programming language exercises on Exercism. Here is my profile: https://exercism.org/profiles/AtomicMegaNerd