Please explore our presentation landing page
You can also download our Application APK to run Aube directly on your Android device Aube APK
Ensure you have this installed before proceeding further
To run an Ios Simulator on your Mac, make sure you installed:
Component | Technology |
Frontend | Ionic 3 with Angular 4 |
Database | Firebase |
ChatBot | DialogFlow |
Weather API | Yahoo Weather API |
git clone
or use SSH
git clone
npm install
ionic serve
- Options ou can add
"-l" to use ionic-lab => Allow you to simulate you app on an Ios, Andoid and Windows device
"-c" to have logs on your terminal
The chatbot allows you to talk to him, and he will answer your somthink depending on what you have said or wrote. You can also use the Voice Recognition to talk to him
When you click on you scheduled alarm clock (the notification), it will redirect you to the Chatbot page and directly ask you to resolve a little mathematical equation Depeding on your answer, the Chatbot will congratulate you or encourage you to try the next day with a small image (GIF).
You can ask for a physical wake up. It will answer you with a GIF describing some skretching movements
Reveil physique
You can ask for the current Weather on a certain city. It will returns the temperature degrees with a small image of the sky state
Quel est la météo aujourd'hui ?"
It will ask you the city you asked the weather. You can per example aswer Paris
Météo à Paris