Custom script to synchronise folders between two hosts
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Quick Start
Configurable Options
Files Used and Created
Planned changes
Example outputs
Nginx and KeepAlive installation
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This is a simple script which monitors folders for changes and (almost) instantly synchronises it with other servers.
It was born primarily through the need for a mechanism to synchronise configuration files between multiple servers used as failover Nginx reverse proxies.
- Runs automatically as a service (systemd)
- Allows monitoring and syncing of multiple folders
- Allows excluding certain files/folders (by regex)
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There are a few prerequisites, but they should be relatively simple.
- First: on all remote server(s), create service account, give sudo access, limit passwordless sudo to specific commands, allow it to log in via password.
- Second: on the primary server, pass its root account public key to each of the remote server(s).
- Third: on the primary server, install rsync and git.
- Fourth: on all remote server(s) remove the service account ability to log in with a password and lock the password.
- Fifth: on all remote server(s) install rsync.
- Create a new user account with a temporary password (we'll remove it later)
sudo useradd -m aubs-folder-sync -s /bin/bash sudo passwd aubs-folder-sync
- Add it to sudoers and allow it to run select packages as sudo without a password
sudo usermod -aG sudo aubs-folder-sync
- Allow the account to run specific packages with sudo, but without requiring a password
Add in
sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/aubs-folder-sync
aubs-folder-sync ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/rsync<br> aubs-folder-sync ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/service
- Reload sudo config
sudo /etc/init.d/sudo reload
- Edit the sshd configuration
Add aubs-folder-sync to the permit (add this to the bottom or if you've used Match User before, edit it there - NOTE: add your username in to the match or you might be locked out!)
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Match User aubsuk,aubs-folder-sync<br> PasswordAuthentication yes<br> Match User *<br> PasswordAuthentication no
- Restart SSH service
sudo service ssh restart
- Repeat all the steps in items 1-6 on each of the 'remote' servers.
Configure root SSH Access from the primary server to all remote server(s)
Check if an RSA key already exists
sudo cat /root/.ssh/
- Create a new RSA key (accept the defaults)
sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
- View the key again
sudo cat /root/.ssh/
- Create a new RSA key (accept the defaults)
Copy the key to the remote server(s)
sudo ssh-copy-id -p 22 aubs-folder-sync@
Try and SSH to the remote server(s)
sudo ssh -p '22' 'aubs-folder-sync@'
If you've logged in successfully, log out back to the primary server
Repeat steps 1-5 on the primary server for each of the 'remote' servers (Note: Step 2 should only ever need to be done once, if it doesn't already exist).
Install rsync and git
sudo apt update sudo apt install rsync git
- Remove aubs-folder-sync from login
Remove aubs-folder-sync:
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Match User aubsuk
- Restart SSH service
sudo service ssh restart
- Remove password for aubs-folder-sync (lock prevents it from being used, delete leaves the account with no password and it could still log in)
sudo passwd --lock aubs-folder-sync
- Install rsync
sudo apt install rsync
Make sure all the prerequisites are set up.
Change directory to a secure location to hold the script
cd /usr/local/sbin/
Clone the repository as root so permissions are set appropriately
sudo git clone
or just create the folder and two files manually, then copy their contents
Make the script executable
cd aubs-folder-sync sudo chmod 700
Create a symbolic link for the service file; enable then start the service
sudo ln -s /usr/local/sbin/aubs-folder-sync/aubs-folder-sync.service /etc/systemd/system/aubs-folder-sync.service sudo systemctl enable aubs-folder-sync.service sudo systemctl start aubs-folder-sync.service sudo systemctl status aubs-folder-sync.service
NOTE: If the service is ever disabled, the symbolic link wil need to be re-created, so run the 4 lines of code again
Edit, create and delete a file on the Primary server, while watching the journal and log file:- Follow the journal (because rsync has -v, it'll show in the journal)
sudo journalctl -f -u aubs-folder-sync.service
- Follow the log file
sudo follow -f /var/log/aubs-folder-sync.log
- On the remote server(s) watch one folder being sync'd
sudo watch ls -al /etc/nginx/
- On the Primary server, create/delete/modify
sudo touch /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE01 sudo touch /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE02 sudo echo "test1" > /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE01 sudo echo "test2" > /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE02 sudo rm /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE01 sudo rm /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE02
- Follow the journal (because rsync has -v, it'll show in the journal)
Following the Quick Start instructions and not modifying any variables, the following files are used:
File Name | Purpose |
---|---| | The script file |
aubs-folder-sync.service | The service file |
aubs-folder-sync.tmp.reasons | Contains a list of the reason, file and directory modified since the last run |
aubs-folder-sync.tmp.running | Contains a count of the number of runs required, so the script knows if it needs to re-run |
.git/ (folder and all sub files)
images/ (folder and all sub files) LICENSE |
Git files, not used by the script |
File Name | Purpose |
aubs-folder-sync.log | Stores the logs from each run |
File Name | Purpose |
various | Various files created for a standard user |
.ssh/authorized_key | Contains the authorised key for root from the primary server |
File Name | Purpose |
aubs-folder-sync | List of packages the account can run as sudo, but without having to enter a password |
Variable | Description | Default |
List of folders to monitor and sync. Multiple folders can be added in the format ("/path/to/" "/another/path/") | ("/etc/nginx/") |
Files can be excluded using regex format e.g. ".*\.swp|.*\.tmp" | ".*\.swp" |
List of servers (IP/hostname) to synchronise from this server | ("") |
Specify the SSH port to be used for the remote servers | "22122" |
Speficy the user that will be used for the SSH connections | "aubs-folder-sync" |
Commands to run on the remote servers after synchronising | "service nginx restart" |
Full pat for the log file | "/var/log/aubs-folder-sync.log" |
Path where the reason the script is being executed are stored |
Path where the reason the script is being executed are stored |
Recipient email address (multuple recipients separated by commas) |
Automatically configured to |
Holds false or true. When the script initialises, if any of the folders don't exist, this will change to true and the script will stop executing. |
Location of the main packages used. These should normally be installed, but if not, it'll report in the log and stop running |
$(which inotifywait)
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Testing options
No testing elements yet
- What to do if unable to rsync or ssh - sleep/retry/fork process/continuous/email?
- rsync/ssh just directories that contain changes (may need to consider storing
- Split each server to have their own directory/port/user config (i.e. host port user /folder1/ /folder2, 22122 aubs-folder-sync /etc/nginx/, 22 aubs /etc/nginx/ /etc/pihole/)
- Check packages are installed (as per Packages used above)
- Email notification
- Testing options
- Running on multiple servers to sync between each other both ways (notes --delete would need to be removed because on startup could delete on remote before remote retries)
- Restrict what the remote server account can and can't do
Tue Aug 29 04:52:12 AM UTC 2023: ==================================================
Tue Aug 29 04:52:12 AM UTC 2023: ================= Service Started ================
Tue Aug 29 04:52:12 AM UTC 2023: All folders checked ok.
Tue Aug 29 04:52:12 AM UTC 2023: Starting First Run
Tue Aug 29 04:52:12 AM UTC 2023: --------------------------------------------------
Tue Aug 29 04:52:12 AM UTC 2023: Sync Folders: '/etc/nginx/'
Tue Aug 29 04:52:12 AM UTC 2023: Refresh Servers: ''
Tue Aug 29 04:52:12 AM UTC 2023: Remote Commands: 'sudo service nginx restart'
Tue Aug 29 04:52:12 AM UTC 2023: Remote User: 'aubs-folder-sync'
Tue Aug 29 04:52:12 AM UTC 2023: Reason: (1) - 1 First Run validating sync
Tue Aug 29 04:52:12 AM UTC 2023: Synchronising to
Tue Aug 29 04:52:13 AM UTC 2023: Sync success.
Tue Aug 29 04:52:13 AM UTC 2023: Running commands on server
Tue Aug 29 04:52:14 AM UTC 2023: Commands completed.
Tue Aug 29 04:52:14 AM UTC 2023: Done
Tue Aug 29 04:52:14 AM UTC 2023: Synchronise complete.
Aug 29 04:52:12 proxy01 systemd[1]: Started aubs-folder-sync.service - aubs-folder-sync.
Aug 29 04:52:13 proxy01[125056]: sending incremental file list
Aug 29 04:52:13 proxy01[125056]: /etc/
Aug 29 04:52:13 proxy01[125056]: sent 1,169 bytes received 29 bytes 798.67 bytes/sec
Aug 29 04:52:13 proxy01[125056]: total size is 25,556 speedup is 21.33
Tue Aug 29 05:05:37 AM UTC 2023: --------------------------------------------------
Tue Aug 29 05:05:37 AM UTC 2023: Sync Folders: '/etc/nginx/'
Tue Aug 29 05:05:37 AM UTC 2023: Refresh Servers: ''
Tue Aug 29 05:05:37 AM UTC 2023: Remote Commands: 'sudo service nginx restart'
Tue Aug 29 05:05:37 AM UTC 2023: Remote User: 'aubs-folder-sync'
Tue Aug 29 05:05:37 AM UTC 2023: Reason: (2) - 1 CREATE /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE01 2 CREATE /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE02
Tue Aug 29 05:05:37 AM UTC 2023: Synchronising to
Tue Aug 29 05:05:38 AM UTC 2023: Sync success.
Tue Aug 29 05:05:38 AM UTC 2023: Running commands on server
Tue Aug 29 05:05:39 AM UTC 2023: Commands completed.
Tue Aug 29 05:05:39 AM UTC 2023: Done
Tue Aug 29 05:05:39 AM UTC 2023: Synchronise complete.
Aug 29 05:05:38 proxy01[125914]: sending incremental file list
Aug 29 05:05:38 proxy01[125914]: /etc/nginx/
Aug 29 05:05:38 proxy01[125914]: /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE01
Aug 29 05:05:38 proxy01[125914]: /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE02
Aug 29 05:05:38 proxy01[125914]: sent 1,289 bytes received 71 bytes 906.67 bytes/sec
Aug 29 05:05:38 proxy01[125914]: total size is 25,556 speedup is 18.79
Tue Aug 29 05:06:00 AM UTC 2023: --------------------------------------------------
Tue Aug 29 05:06:00 AM UTC 2023: Sync Folders: '/etc/nginx/'
Tue Aug 29 05:06:00 AM UTC 2023: Refresh Servers: ''
Tue Aug 29 05:06:00 AM UTC 2023: Remote Commands: 'sudo service nginx restart'
Tue Aug 29 05:06:00 AM UTC 2023: Remote User: 'aubs-folder-sync'
Tue Aug 29 05:06:00 AM UTC 2023: Reason: (1) - 1 MODIFY /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE01
Tue Aug 29 05:06:00 AM UTC 2023: Synchronising to
Tue Aug 29 05:06:01 AM UTC 2023: Sync success.
Tue Aug 29 05:06:01 AM UTC 2023: Running commands on server
Tue Aug 29 05:06:02 AM UTC 2023: Commands completed.
Tue Aug 29 05:06:02 AM UTC 2023: Done
Tue Aug 29 05:06:02 AM UTC 2023: Synchronise complete.
Aug 29 05:06:01 proxy01[125977]: sending incremental file list
Aug 29 05:06:01 proxy01[125977]: /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE01
Aug 29 05:06:01 proxy01[125977]: sent 1,318 bytes received 68 bytes 924.00 bytes/sec
Aug 29 05:06:01 proxy01[125977]: total size is 25,568 speedup is 18.45
Tue Aug 29 05:06:21 AM UTC 2023: --------------------------------------------------
Tue Aug 29 05:06:21 AM UTC 2023: Sync Folders: '/etc/nginx/'
Tue Aug 29 05:06:21 AM UTC 2023: Refresh Servers: ''
Tue Aug 29 05:06:21 AM UTC 2023: Remote Commands: 'sudo service nginx restart'
Tue Aug 29 05:06:21 AM UTC 2023: Remote User: 'aubs-folder-sync'
Tue Aug 29 05:06:21 AM UTC 2023: Reason: (1) - 1 DELETE /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE01
Tue Aug 29 05:06:21 AM UTC 2023: Synchronising to
Tue Aug 29 05:06:22 AM UTC 2023: Sync success.
Tue Aug 29 05:06:22 AM UTC 2023: Running commands on server
Tue Aug 29 05:06:22 AM UTC 2023: Commands completed.
Tue Aug 29 05:06:22 AM UTC 2023: Done
Tue Aug 29 05:06:22 AM UTC 2023: Synchronise complete.
Tue Aug 29 05:06:22 AM UTC 2023: --------------------------------------------------
Tue Aug 29 05:06:22 AM UTC 2023: Sync Folders: '/etc/nginx/'
Tue Aug 29 05:06:22 AM UTC 2023: Refresh Servers: ''
Tue Aug 29 05:06:22 AM UTC 2023: Remote Commands: 'sudo service nginx restart'
Tue Aug 29 05:06:22 AM UTC 2023: Remote User: 'aubs-folder-sync'
Tue Aug 29 05:06:22 AM UTC 2023: Reason: (1) - 1 DELETE /etc/nginx/TEST-FILE02
Tue Aug 29 05:06:22 AM UTC 2023: Synchronising to
Tue Aug 29 05:06:23 AM UTC 2023: Sync success.
Tue Aug 29 05:06:23 AM UTC 2023: Running commands on server
Tue Aug 29 05:06:24 AM UTC 2023: Commands completed.
Tue Aug 29 05:06:24 AM UTC 2023: Done
Tue Aug 29 05:06:24 AM UTC 2023: Synchronise complete.
Aug 29 05:06:03 proxy01[126020]: total size is 25,568 speedup is 20.62
Aug 29 05:06:22 proxy01[126076]: sending incremental file list
Aug 29 05:06:22 proxy01[126076]: deleting etc/nginx/TEST-FILE01
Aug 29 05:06:22 proxy01[126076]: /etc/nginx/
Aug 29 05:06:22 proxy01[126076]: sent 1,199 bytes received 54 bytes 835.33 bytes/sec
Aug 29 05:06:22 proxy01[126076]: total size is 25,562 speedup is 20.40
Aug 29 05:06:23 proxy01[126117]: sending incremental file list
Aug 29 05:06:23 proxy01[126117]: deleting etc/nginx/TEST-FILE02
Aug 29 05:06:23 proxy01[126117]: /etc/nginx/
Aug 29 05:06:23 proxy01[126117]: sent 1,169 bytes received 54 bytes 815.33 bytes/sec
Aug 29 05:06:23 proxy01[126117]: total size is 25,556 speedup is 20.90
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If you installed the script using the prerequisites and quick start guide, it's pretty easy to remove.
- Stop the service and disable it (this will remove the symbolic link)
sudo systemctl stop aubs-folder-sync.service sudo systemctl disable aubs-folder-sync.service
- Move into the sbin folder and delete the folder:
cd /usr/local/sbin/ sudo rm -r aubs-folder-sync
- Move into the logs folder and delete the log file(s):
cd /var/log/ sudo rm aubs-folder-sync*
- On each of the remote server(s), delete the account (this will remove the home folder too and so remove the authorized_keys)
userdel -r aubs-folder-sync
- On each of the remote server(s), remove the sudo access configuration
sudo rm /etc/sudoers.d/aubs-folder-sync
- On each of the remote server(s), reload sudo config
sudo /etc/init.d/sudo reload
That's it, everything has been removed.
Although not relevant to this script, I am currently using two proxy (proxy01 and proxy02) servers, both running as containers on separate Proxmox hosts in a cluster. Container configuration is using the Debian_Bookworm_amd64_20230626_cloud_rootfs.tar.xz template / 2GB Disk (local_sda) / 1 CPU / 512 MB RAM
- Nginx
Install Nginx
sudo apt install nginx -y
Check Nginx is running
sudo systemctl status nginx
Make sure you can see the default page via IPv4 and IPv6 if appropriate from the primary and secondary servers (substitute for your IPv4 IP) (substitute for your IPv4 IP)
http://[2a01:4b00::10]/ (substitute for your IPv6 IP)
http://[2a01:4b00::20]/ (substitute for your IPv6 IP) -
On each server, edit the main index page with the server it is (primary/secondary1/secondary2/etc)
sudo nano /var/www/html/index.html
Add in one of:
<h1>PRIMARY1</h1> <h1>SECONDARY2</h1> <h1>SECONDARY3</h1>
- KeepAlived
Install keepalived
sudo apt install keepalived -y
Choose an IP address that can be used as a virtual IP between the hosts
2a01:4b00::50 -
Configure keepalived on each server
sudo nano /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
Declare the global defs and vrrp monitoring script
global_defs { # Keepalived process identifier router_id nginx } # Script used to check if Nginx is running vrrp_script check_nginx { script "/bin/" interval 2 weight 50 }
Create a group for the interfaces
#Virtual Interface Group vrrp_sync_groupVI_01 { group { VI_01_4 VI_01_6 } }
Create the virtual intefaces Notes:
- eth0 is my physical interface, change yours to suite
- Set state to MASTER or BACKUP
- Set priority (MASTER=120, BACKUP=110, BACKUP=100)
For IPv4
# Virtual interface # The priority specifies the order in which the assigned interface to take over in a failover vrrp_instance VI_01_4 { state MASTER interface eth0 virtual_router_id 51 priority 120 # The virtual ip address shared between the two loadbalancers virtual_ipaddress { } track_script { check_nginx } authentication { auth_type AH auth_pass secret } }
For IPv6
vrrp_instance VI_01_6 { state MASTER interface eth0 virtual_router_id 51 priority 120 # The virtual ip address shared between the two loadbalancers virtual_ipaddress { 2a01:4b00::50/64 } track_script { check_nginx } authentication { auth_type AH auth_pass secret } }
Create a script that'll be used to check nginx is running
sudo nano /bin/
Add in
#!/bin/sh if [ -z "`/bin/pidof nginx`" ]; then exit 1 fi
make the script executable
sudo chmod 755 /bin/
Check if KeepAliveD is started, if not, start it
sudo systemctl status keepalived sudo systemctl start keepalived
Check the event log
sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog
if the following is received
Keepalived_vrrp[4040]: SECURITY VIOLATION - scripts are being executed but script_security not enabled
add the keepalived_script user to the 'users' group
sudo useradd -g users -M keepalived_script
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Inspiration taken from many support sites including Stack Overflow.