Reactive streams based Scala driver/client for ArangoDB. This driver is based on ArangoDB REST API and Akka streams and spray JSON.
❗ As this project is not actively maintained, you may consider using: (#5)
This is early version. Functionality:
- Administration: version,
statistics,tasks,etc - AQL:
CRUD,etc - Bulk:
exectute,import,export,etc - Cluster:
CRUD,etc - Collections: Create, List,
Get,Update, Delete,etc - Cursors:
Create,Delete,Read - Database: Create (with users), List,
Get, Delete - Documents: Create, Get,
List, Replace,Patch, Delete,etc - Graph:
CRUD,etc - Graph edges:
CRUD,etc - Graph Traversal:
Exectute - Indexes:
Create(SkipList, CapacityConstrain, Fulltext, General, Geo, Hash), Read, Get, Delete - Job:
List, Get, etc - Replication:
CRUD,etc - Simple Queries: Get(All,
any,byExample,etc),Remove,Update - Transactions:
Execute - User handling:
Create, List, Fetch, Replace, Remove - Write ahead log:
Get, Update Flush
You may need to add the Sonatype nexus to your resolvers:
resolvers += "Sonatype OOS" at ""
libraryDependencies += "com.auginte" % "scarango_2.11" % "0.3.1"
or other
- Clone Example project
- See integration tests
This client/driver concentrates on faster/easier development of
- Reactive streams/non-blocking applications
- Graph intensive applications
Development still in progress
v0.2.4 was last version, that was based on Spray 1.x version.
All later versions are based on Akka Http (Spray 2.x) and are not back-compatible with Spray 1.x
For details see Changelog or use git diff
Assuming, that ArangoDb is installed on and disable-authentication=false
Run once:
sbt run
During development
sbt "~re-start"
sbt test