This repository stores in-progress data resources for developing an Atlantis model for East Antarctica.
With RStudio:
- File/New Project/Version Control/Git
- Enter ""
- Click "Create Project"
- For updates click "Pull"
With git on the command line:
git clone
cd EastAntarctica_Atlantis
- For updates
git pull
Use the "Issues" feature on this page to make requests, report bugs etc.
manifold/ - workings in Manifold GIS
old/ - old stuff
versions/ - versions of artefacts as they are created
We are using Manifold for now to modify input model topologies, via shapefiles.
is a stripped down test domain with 28 Atlantis boxes (including boundary boxes).
In the directory is the source project, the shapefile/s and the generated .bgm.
├── Antarctica_28.bgm - BGM file generated by bmeriser (see belog)
├── Antarctica_28.dbf/prj/shp/xml - the shapefile (.xml is Manifold auxiliary file)
└── - Manifold project used to edit the layer
Antarctica_28.bgm generated with
bash java -jar bgmeriser.jar -as "+proj=laea +lat_0=-63 +lon_0=82 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84" Antarctica_28.shp
Antarctica_28 was derived from Antarctica_99
The shapefile and .bgm are in versions/antarctica_99/
This was modified in QGIS, something, something . . .