(recommended) or
To install nvm, run in your terminal:
curl -o- | bash
In-Depth documentation on using backstop:
Install by clicking the download button either by zip or git clone urlGoesHere
in the directory of your choice.
Run npm install
to install node_modules.
Navigate (cd backstopJS
) into the root of the project and run nvm use 5.9
and then npm install
If referring to BackstopJS documentation, the installation and usage commands can be ignored. Use only the commands below for this project.
If your project is not in Projects
, create a new one with your project name.
If you already have a project you can skip forward to the next section.
If a new folder is created, copy everything inside of backstopJS/Projects/Prototype_Example
into your project folder. (This includes a backstop_data folder and backstop.js file)
Use the new backstop.js
file as a template to begin customizing your project in backstopJs/Projects/ProjectName/backstop.js
"paths": {
"bitmaps_reference": "Projects/Unit4/AccVsProd/Mobile/backstop_data/bitmaps_reference",
"bitmaps_test": "Projects/Unit4/AccVsProd/Mobile/backstop_data/bitmaps_test",
"casper_scripts": "Projects/Unit4/AccVsProd/Mobile/backstop_data/casper_scripts",
"html_report": "Projects/Unit4/AccVsProd/Mobile/backstop_data/html_report",
"ci_report": "Projects/Unit4/AccVsProd/Mobile/backstop_data/ci_report"
For guidance, refer to other projects to see different implementations.
Reference creates a directory of screenshots that you want to use as your reference.
npm run reference -- --configPath=PathToJsFile.js
These commands can be ran from any directory. However, the full path is needed to the file that is being used.
npm run reference -- --configPath=Projects/Unit4/AccVsProd/Desktop/testDesktop.js
Test takes a new set of screen-shots and compares against reference. If browser report is enabled (it is by default) then a report will be generated showing results of comparison.
npm run test -- --configPath=PathToJsFile.js
npm run test -- --configPath=Projects/Unit4/AccVsProd/Mobile/mobile.js