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EntertainTech Tips

hmkerrick edited this page Mar 27, 2018 · 1 revision
  • EntertainTech runs at a 12ms cycletime, therefore when saving a program from Mimic use a .012s sample rate.
  • By default you should begin your animation in the robot's home position (usually 0/-90/90/0/0/0 for A1-6, unless you modify this)
  • Kuka recommends sending the same pose several times before moving the robot, therefore it is recommended to start the animation with several frames stationary in the home position (ex: FK keyframe in home position at frame 0 and again at frame 24 for 1 second if using 24fps)
  • Mimic can detect whether your program violates velocity limits but it does not currently detect Acceleration or Jerk limits. The Kuka logging feature can help with debugging if you get an error about exceeding "dynamic bounds"
  • In file mdrEmily.ini: set the variable DERIVATES to MAXIMA to log the max speed/accel/jerk for each axis or ALL to log speed/accel/jerk for each command in the table (every 12 ms step).
  • Any change to the mdrEmily.ini requires a “cold boot/reload files"
  • The log can be found in C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.
  • Multiply the timestamp by your fps rate to determine the keyframe location of your issue. Look for sudden jerky movements, usually a jump or reorientation from an improper IK-FK switch or a missing blend parent keyframe can cause jerky movement. You can look at the Emily file at that time stamp and look for big jumps or oscillations in values, or check the animation itself (you may need to change the timeline to milliseconds to see movement between two keyframes)
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