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4. Starting an Automated Deployment (Part 2)

Raimund Andée [MSFT] edited this page Feb 7, 2017 · 3 revisions

Part 2 of the document describes how to publish the topology file inside your newly deployed lab. Then the last configuration steps will be done again automatically. Unfortunately publishing the topology is the only steps that cannot be automated.

  • Publishing the Skype for Business 2015 topology file
  • Continue the automated deployment.

1. Publishing the Skype for Business 2015 topology file

As mentioned there is no way to automated this step at the moment. However publishing the topology is only a few clicks.

The deployment process waits here until you press enter or CTRL + C. So you have plenty of time to do the steps described next

Publish the Topology manually

The Skype for Business Topology Builder is available on the first frontend server in your lab. After opening the application, please choose the option to open an existing topology.

Open Existing Topology

SfbAutomatedLab has already copied the topology file to C:\ of the first frontend server. Please select and open the file.

Open Topology

The please choose the "Publish Topology" option from the "Action" menu. and click through the wizard. This can take a minute.

Publish Topology

After the wizard has finished, you should see a summary without errors. The warnings are fine.

Publishing wizard complete

Now SfbAutomatedLab can take over again. Please go pack to the PowerShell ISE which should still wait for user input. If you hit the enter key, SfbAutomatedLab continues and prints this message:

SfbAutomatedLab is continuing the deployment...

Congratulations! This is it. It takes another one or two hours to complete the deployment.