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Josef edited this page Apr 24, 2023 · 2 revisions

CAEX Changes

Differences between CAEX 2.15 and CAEX 3.0.
Edited by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Drath, Hochschule Pforzheim

This topic contains the following sections:

AmlEngine2.1 supports AutomationML documents based on CAEX 2.15 as well as documents, based on CAEX 3.0. The main differences between these versions are listed below. A document transformation service can be used, to transform CAEX 2.15 documents to CAEX 3.0 documents and back. An example implementation is provided here.

Mandatory Attribute RefBaseRoleClassPath

The Attribute RefBaseRoleClassPath defined for a RoleRequirementsType is mandatory in CAEX 3.0

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Native Support of multiple role references

In CAEX 3.0, the CAEX Element InternalElementType can have multiple RoleRequirements assigned.

The MappingObject is moved below the RoleRequirements to define their context.

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AttributeLibrary and AttributeFamiliyType with reference

The AttributeTypeLib is a new library type in CAEX 3.0. It contains AttributeFamilyTypes which can be referenced in Attributes with the RefAttributeType to define the Attribute Type.

Attribute Library Example

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xs-anyType removed and replaced

The xs:anyType has been replaced with xs:string as value type.

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Native support of nested interfaces

The InterfaceClassType can contain child ExternalInterfaceType elements.

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The new attribute SuperiorStandardVersion allows defining the superior version number of the used AutomationML standard.

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In CAEX 3.0, the SourceDocumentInformation shall be used to define information about the data source.

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The new element SourceObjectInformation can be used to store the original object-ID of the belonging document source and object source.

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Namespace definition

In CAEX 3.0 a namespace definition for the CAEX schema is added.

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Mirror objects

In CAEX 3.0 the Mirror concept is extended to attributes and external interfaces but forbids that mirror objects hold individual children or attributes.

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The modeling of InternalLinks has been refined. The RefPartnerSideA and RefPartnerSideB are mandatory, open links are reflected by an empty string.

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Interface Mappings

The InterfaceNameMapping has been replaced by the InterfaceIdMapping. Interface mapping bases on the CAEXObject IDs instead of the CAEXObject names.

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