14.4 - 2025-03-04
- Connection: Disconnect all other users before disconnecting connection owner account. [#41923]
- Connection: Display connection status on Users page independent of the SSO module. [#41794]
- Custom Post Types: do not display testimonials and portfolios on block themes where they are not in use. [#41714]
- Dashboard: Display connection owner to all users. [#41606]
- External Media: Add external media modal on the Media Import page. [#41282]
- Forms: Add support for having multiple forms accross paginated pages. [#41407]
- Forms: Update field and button blocks to support contentOnly editing. [#41411]
- Forms block: Add number input. [#40962]
- Media Page: Enable the "Untangle Calypso" feature. [#41628]
- My Jetpack: Update the unowned section from a product grid to a product list. [#41312]
- Newsletter: Add footer widget section. [#42048]
- Newsletter: Add new newsletter widget. [#41807]
- Newsletter: Add newsletter widget header row behind a feature flag. [#42060]
- Newsletter: Add setting to hide category selection modal. [#41552]
- Post actions: Rename Copy action to Duplicate, which is clearer. [#34844]
- Social: Update the admin page to be used by Editors and Authors. [#41859]
- Subscriptions: Pre-select newsletter categories. [#41567]
- Tiled Gallery block: Add ability to link to custom URLs from each image. [#41471]
- VideoPress: Add title to the attachment details view. [#42023]
Improved compatibility
- Custom Content Types: Ensure feature works on Jetpack settings page without using module functionality. [#41349]
Bug fixes
- External Media: Fix the button size in the editor for Gutenberg 18 or below. [#41619]
- Fix Social toggles. [#41912]
- Forms: Ensure non-rendering fields to not trigger validation or show value in form submission response. [#41979]
- Forms: Fix 404 error when a user submits an invalid form with JavaScript disabled. [#41947]
- Forms: Fix block style variations not showing in the editor. [#41457]
- Forms: Fix invalid html IDs. [#41564]
- Forms: Hide fields without options. [#41443]
- Forms: Improve the styling of the separator block when placed inside the form block. [#40967]
- Geo Location: Remove support from default themes to prevent deprecation notice. [#41773]
- Gravatar Widget: Fix linked accounts not showing. [#42056]
- Newsletter: Fix post placement not displaying on certain block themes. [#41870]
- Publicize: Fix disconnect command not working. [#41906]
- Related Posts: Ensure images using the AVIF format are properly displayed. [#41760]
- Sharing: Fix possible warnings related to plugin compatibility. [#41600]
- Social Previews: Fix distorted image for Tumblr preview. [#41844]
- Stats: Fix a problem where count roles weren't able to be updated. [#41530]
- Widget Visibility: Fix possible fatal errors for widgets using anonymous functions as callbacks. [#41873]
Other changes
- Add REST support for jsonAPI endpoints. [#39432]
- AI Assistant: Add alt text generation to image extension. [#42016]
- AI Assistant: Add image caption generation to image extension. [#42127]
- AI Assistant: Add image extension with feature flag. [#41971]
- AI Assistant: Adding support to use Chrome AI bult-in API. [#41922]
- AI Assistant: Add missing pre-defined prompt value to the tracking event. [#41670]
- AI Assistant: Count request for image extension features. [#42158]
- AI Assistant: Update usage of usePostContent for only when necessary. [#42149]
- API: Add a new site setting to hide the Action Bar in the REST API endpoint. [#41123]
- API: Added caching to JSON API requests for comments. [#41545]
- Code: Prevent dynamic class properties. [#41857]
- Code Quality: Update deprecated block editor APU usage. [#41176]
- Ensure Viewers are searchable by username and email. [#41447]
- External Media: Move the GooglePhotosMedia, OpenverseMedia, PexelsMedia to @automattic/jetpack-shared-extension-utils. [#41078]
- External Media: Update styles of the external media modal. [#41303]
- Fix subscribe button width in editor. [#42012]
- Fix the user connection link in Post-by-Email module. [#42132]
- General: Prevent deprecation notices on PHP 8. [#41733]
- General: Remove unused setting. [#41658]
- Gravatar Widget: Fix PHP warning for some linked accounts. [#42142]
- Jetpack AI: Adding translation support using Chrome's Gemini AI mini. [#41724]
- Jetpack AI: Fix some styles and deprecation props. [#41814]
- Jetpack AI: Prevent Chrome AI requests from incrementing request count. [#41900]
- Jetpack button: fix width and alignment. [#41139]
- Jetpack SEO: Add assisstant flow state to better handle navigation transitions and effects. [#41686]
- Jetpack SEO: Add box-shadow as in BigSky. [#41791]
- Jetpack SEO: add completion summary step. [#41585]
- Jetpack SEO: Add image alt text step. [#41897]
- Jetpack SEO: add request mocking function for development. [#41640]
- Jetpack SEO: Add tracking events on significant actions. [#41697]
- Jetpack SEO: Allow editLastMessage to append new content instead of replacing. Simplifies message flow editing. [#41690]
- Jetpack SEO: assistant option bubbles border design. [#41557]
- Jetpack SEO: Change AI feature request name. [#41762]
- Jetpack SEO: Change copy on the completion step. [#41798]
- Jetpack SEO: fix gap/spacing between chat bubbles and options. [#41616]
- Jetpack SEO: fix state inconsistencies, change effects and use global isBusy suspense flag. [#41546]
- Jetpack SEO: Move steps upwards so we can establish the assistant as a generic component and provide steps dynamically. [#41768]
- Jetpack SEO: Remove code from the first attempt of the trigger, placed on AI panel of the Jetpack sidebar. [#41721]
- Jetpack SEO: Rename CSS classes and events for consistency and alignment with event requirements. [#41800]
- Jetpack SEO: switch mockRequests flag to false so it defaults to make requests to backend. [#41645]
- Jetpack SEO: Turn default filter value to true so to enable the SEO assistant by default. It remains as BETA though. [#41767]
- Jetpack SEO: Wee CSS fix on message width. [#41676]
- Jetpack SEO Assistant: keep both raw and formatted value on keywords step, thus allowing for consistency on messages but also on provided value for later steps. [#41641]
- Jetpack SEO assistant: persist selected options if they haven't changed. [#41637]
- Jetpack Sync: Fixed extracting UTF-8 characters from image alt-text. [#41451]
- Just a copy change. [#39882]
- Mailchimp Block: Prevent vertical stretch in button. [#41790]
- Map block: Catch error if content is empty. [#41583]
- Move the API endpoint for unlinking the user to the automattic/jetpack-connection package. [#41398]
- Newsletter: Move Subscribe button to new line if width set to 100%. [#42024]
- Newsletter Dashboard Widget: Add translations. [#42152]
- Newsletter Dashboard Widget: Update footer links behind feature flag. [#42070]
- Newsletter settings: Update copy. [#41884]
- Prevent PHP error when error log retrieved from database is an unexpected type. [#41584]
- Reader: Update url from /read to /reader. [#41477]
- Recipe Block: Switch to strings for all block descriptions. [#41431]
- Remove feature flag for new Like widget layout and code for old avatar popup. [#41849]
- Remove the Jetpack_Keyring_Service_Helper class in favour of the one in the Publicize package. [#41460]
- Reset to-test.md for Jetpack 14.4 release cycle. [#41555]
- SEO Assistant: Add actual requests. [#41612]
- SEO Assistant: Add error handling to meta description step. [#41757]
- SEO Assistant: Add initial error handling to title generation. [#41649]
- SEO Assistant: Add store to keep assistant open when sidebar is closed. [#41816]
- SEO Assistant: UX tweaks. [#41823]
- Sharing: Reduce width of Likes column on posts page to better accommodate other columns. [#42052]
- Sitemaps: Include line breaks for easier debugging. [#33962]
- Social: Deprecate unused publicize endpoints. [#42020]
- Social: Fix PHP warnings on WordPress.com. [#41869]
- Social: Move the publicize/services endpoint to publicize package. [#42019]
- Social: Update classic editor logic to use the new connections schema. [#41778]
- Social: Update social activation link in the editor to point to the new Social admin page. [#41741]
- Stats: Temporarily show the widget to administrators for Simple sites. [#41549]
- Subscribe Block: Fix double border on "Set up a paid plan" toolbar button. [#41784]
- Subscriptions Block: Unset invalid newsletter categories from attributes. [#41774]
- Sync: Full-sync chunking logic dynamic for Woo modules. [#41433]
- Sync: Full sync for posts not sending term relationships. [#41597]
- Theme tools: Load theme compat functionality relevant to features in Classic Theme Helper package from this package. [#41598]
- The page-optimize plugin link shown to Atomic sites only is no longer required and has been removed. [#42091]
- Update composer.lock. [#40863]
- Updated package dependencies. [#41491] [#41577]
- Updated package dependencies. [#41659]
- Update package dependencies. [#42163] [#42180]