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feat: edit and add Arata`s dicripttion of MPC param (#40)
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Arata-Stu authored Oct 9, 2024
1 parent 7ce022c commit 72acc1d
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 23 deletions.
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@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
# -- system --
## コントローラが緊急で止まってしまうときの要因の一つ。大きく予測から外れるとおそらく緊急停止する
traj_resample_dist: 0.1 # path resampling interval [m]
use_steer_prediction: false # flag for using steer prediction (do not use steer measurement)
use_steer_prediction: false # default true flag for using steer prediction (do not use steer measurement)
admissible_position_error: 5.0 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
admissible_yaw_error_rad: 1.57 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value

# -- path smoothing --
enable_path_smoothing: true # flag for path smoothing
enable_path_smoothing: true # 基本的に true のほうがスムーズに追従できる。 false だとカクカクしやすい
path_filter_moving_ave_num: 25 # param of moving average filter for path smoothing
curvature_smoothing_num_traj: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for trajectory): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
curvature_smoothing_num_ref_steer: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for steer command reference): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
Expand All @@ -17,42 +18,42 @@

# -- mpc optimization --
qp_solver_type: "osqp" # optimization solver option (unconstraint_fast or osqp)
mpc_prediction_horizon: 30 # prediction horizon step
mpc_prediction_dt: 0.1 # prediction horizon period [s]
mpc_weight_lat_error: 0.1 # lateral error weight in matrix Q
mpc_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q
mpc_prediction_horizon: 30 # 計算量と精度のトレードオフ 低いと目の前のパスのことしか考えられない
mpc_prediction_dt: 0.1 # 予測のタイムステップ 小さくするとより良い解像度で推論ができるが、推論距離は小さくなる
mpc_weight_lat_error: 0.1 # default 0.1 memo 0.5 値を大きくしたほうがより追従しようとする。
mpc_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # default 0.0 影響力 小 
mpc_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.3 #0.3 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q
mpc_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # 1.0# steering error weight in matrix R
mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 0.2 #0.25 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R
mpc_weight_lat_jerk: 0.01 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R
mpc_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R
mpc_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R
mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_error: 0.0 #0.1 # lateral error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
mpc_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # 1.0# なんとなく1.0 のままでよい 大小どちらでも問題があると思います。
mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 0.3 #default 0.25 memo 0.3 大きくすると不安定になる 0.1 ~ 0.5 くらいが良い気がする
mpc_weight_lat_jerk: 0.01 # default 0.01 memo 0.01 0.0001とかにすると遅延が大きくなった気がする。 大きくすると内側を通るような経路になり、1.0にすると真っ直ぐな経路になり、蛇行経路のようなカーブに弱い
mpc_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # default 0.0 memo 0.0 0.0が結局良い 1.0にすると壁に衝突
mpc_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # default 0.000001 # defaultのままがよい気がする 0.0001だとぐちゃぐちゃ defautより大きくすると良くない
mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_error: 0.1 #0.1 変化小 わからない
mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.0 #0.3 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input: 0.0 #1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R in low curvature point
mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 0.1 #0.25 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R in low curvature point
mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R in low curvature point
mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R in low curvature point
mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.0 #0.3
mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input: 1.0 #1.0 あまりかわらん
mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 0.25 #0.25 # steering error * velocity weight ほぼ意味なし
mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # default 0.0 大きくすると外れやすい
mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_rate: 1.0 # default 0.0 あまりかわらない
mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R in low curvature point
mpc_low_curvature_thresh_curvature: 0.0 # threshold of curvature to use "low_curvature" parameter (recommend: 0.01~0.03)
mpc_weight_terminal_lat_error: 0.0 # 1.0 # terminal lateral error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
mpc_weight_terminal_heading_error: 0.1 #0.1 # terminal heading error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
mpc_low_curvature_thresh_curvature: 0.0 # default 0.01 (recommend: 0.01~0.03) イメージははじめに膨らんで、その後にインをつくライン取りに近づく。完全追従を目指すなら0でも良い 大きくすると膨らむが増える
mpc_weight_terminal_lat_error: 1.0 # 1.0 # あまりわからん
mpc_weight_terminal_heading_error: 0.1 #0.1 # あまりかわらん
mpc_zero_ff_steer_deg: 0.5 # threshold that feed-forward angle becomes zero
mpc_acceleration_limit: 3.2 # limit on the vehicle's acceleration
mpc_velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # time constant used for velocity smoothing
mpc_min_prediction_length: 5.0 # minimum prediction length

# -- vehicle model --
# -- vehicle model -- ここを調整する必要はないかもしれない
vehicle_model_type: "kinematics" # vehicle model type for mpc prediction. option is kinematics, kinematics_no_delay, and dynamics
input_delay: 0.01 # steering input delay time for delay compensation
input_delay: 0.01 # ラインが膨らんでいる場合、このパラメータが原因の可能性がある。
vehicle_model_steer_tau: 0.10 #0.30 # steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) [s]
steer_rate_lim_dps: 600.0 # steering angle rate limit [deg/s]
acceleration_limit: 3.2 # 2.0 # acceleration limit for trajectory velocity modification [m/ss]
velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # velocity dynamics time constant for trajectory velocity modification [s]

# -- lowpass filter for noise reduction --
steering_lpf_cutoff_hz: 2.3 #3.0 # cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering command [Hz]
steering_lpf_cutoff_hz: 3.0 # default 3.0 memo 2.3 0.0にすると直進してぶつかる 10.0でも一周できた
error_deriv_lpf_cutoff_hz: 5.0

# stop state: steering command is kept in the previous value in the stop state.
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