Generated training data using PIL Image:
- Traning data is generated in format:
{'id': 'image'+ str(id), 'boxes' : [], 'char' : }}
- example =
{'id':'image0', 'boxes': [471, 250, 495, 274], 'char': '😋'}
- These dictionaries were then wriiten to training.csv and test.csv
- We tried using Faster RCNN for training.
- However we couldn't obtain desired results
- And following are the reason for bad outputs:
- Both in test and training had 88 emoji classes to be predicted
- The blue tick class had too many occurences, hence prediction output was mostly blue ticks. [class imbalance toward one class]
- Emoji size was pretty small
- We didnt have time and resources to retrain our model after handling class imbalance
- Hence we shifted our focus to using classical image processing techniques such as SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) Features matching using keypoints and descriptors, which resulted in proming results.