AviSynth+ 3.7.1
- Linux: Show more information when dlopen fails
- Expr: allow auto scaling effect on pixels obtained from relative addressing
- New array manipulators: ArrayDel, ArrayAdd, ArrayIns, ArraySet with accepting multi dimensional indexes
- ExtractY/U/V/R/G/B/A, PlaneToY: delete _ChromaLocation property. Set _ColorRange property to "full" if source is Alpha plane
- Add new AEP (Avisynth Environtment Property) constants to directly query Avisynth interface main and bugfix version and system endianness:
- New interface functions env->MakePropertyWritable/VideoFrame::IsPropertyWritable.
- Expr: allow 'f32' as internal autoscale target (was: i8, i10, i12, i14, i16 were accepted, only integers)
- Expr: LUT mode! 'lut'=1 or 2 for 1D (lut_x) and 2D (lux_xy) support
- xPlaneMin/Max/Median/MinMaxDifference to accept old packed formats (RGB24/32/48/64 and YUY2) by autoconverting them to Planar RGB or YV16
- New runtime function: PlaneMinMaxStats returns an array and/or set global variables.
- Language syntax: accept arrays in the place of "val" script function parameter type regardless of being named or unnamed.
- Histogram "Levels": more precise drawing when bit depth is different from histogram's resolution bit depth, plus using full/limited flag.
- Expr: no more banker's rounding when converting back float result to integer pixels. Using the usual truncate(x+0.5) rounding method
- ColorYUV: More consistent and accurate output across different color spaces, match with ConvertBits fulls-fulld conversions
- ColorYUV: set _ColorRange frame property
- ColorYUV: when no hint is given by parameter "levels" then it can use _ColorRange (limited/full) frame property for establishing source range for gamma
- ColorYUV "showyuv_fullrange"=true: fix shown U and V ranges. E.g. for bits=8: 128 +/- 127 (range 1..255 is shown) instead of 0..255
- propShow: display _Matrix, _ColorRange and _ChromaLocation constants with friendly names
- Expr: new function "sgn". Returns -1 when x is negative; 0 if zero; 1 when x is positive
- Expr: add "neg": negates stack top: a = -a
- ConvertBits: Support YUY2 (by autoconverting to and from YV16), support YV411
- ConvertBits: "bits" parameter is not compulsory, since bit depth can stay as it was before. Call like ConvertBits(fulld=true)
- ConvertBits: much nicer output for low bit depth targets such as dither_bits 1 to 7.
- ConvertBits: allow dither down from 8 bit sources by giving a lower dither_bits value
- ConvertBits: dither=1 (Floyd-S) to support dither_bits = 1 to 16 (similar to ordered dither)
- ConvertBits: dither=0 (ordered) to allow odd dither_bits values. Any dither_bits=1 to 16 (was: 2,4,6,8,..)
- ConvertBits: dither=0 (ordered) allow larger than 8 bit difference when dither_bits is less than 8.
- ConvertBits: Correct conversion of full-range chroma at 8-16 bits. Like 128+/-112 -> 128+/-127 in 8 bits
- ConvertBits: allow dither from 32 bits to 8-16 bits
- ConvertBits: allow different fulls fulld when converting between integer bit depths (was: they must have been the same)
- ConvertBits: allow 32 bit to 32 bit conversion
- frame property support: _ChromaLocation in various filters (e.g. ConvertToYUV422)
- Support additional chroma locations "top", "bottom_left", "bottom"
- New syntax for "matrix" parameters (e.g. in ConvertToYUV444 old:"rec601" new "170m:l") which separate matrix and full/limited marker.
Old syntax is still valid but does not support all new matrix values. - frame propery support: _Matrix and _ColorRange in various filters. New "matrix" string constants
- RGB<->YUV (YUY2) conversions: frame property support _Matrix and _ColorRange (_Primaries and _Transfer is not used at all yet)
- ConvertBits: use input frame property _ColorRange to detect full/limited range of input clip
- ColorBars, ColorBarsHD, BlankClip: set frame properties _ColorRange and _Matrix
- New function: propCopy to copy or merge frame properties from one clip to another.
- xxxPlaneMin xxxPlaneMax, xxxPlaneMinMaxDifference for 32 bit float formats:
when threshold is 0 then return real values instead of 0..1 (chroma -0.5..0.5) clamped histogram-based result - Allow propGetXXX property getter functions called as normal functions, outside runtime. Frame number offset can be used.
- YUY2 RGB conversions now allow matrix "PC.2020" and "Rec2020"
- 4:2:2 conversions: allow ChromaInPlacement and ChromaOutPlacement:
Valid values: left/mpeg2, center/mpeg1/jpeg - 4:2:0 conversions: new ChromaInPlacement and ChromaOutPlacement values:
top_left, left (alias to mpeg2), center (alias to mpeg1), jpeg (alias to mpeg1) (see http://avisynth.nl/index.php/Convert) - Expr: atan2 (SIMD acceleration as well)
- Expr: sin and cos SIMD acceleration (SSE2 and AVX2) port from VapourSynth (Akarin et al.)
- Expr: x.framePropName syntax for injecting actual frame property values into expression
- Script functions to supports arrays with _nz type suffix. (one or more)
- Expr: arbitrary variable names (instead of single letters A..Z), up to 128 different one.
- Expr: add 'round', 'floor', 'ceil', 'trunc' operators (nearest integer, round down, round up, round to zero)
Acceleration requires at least SSE4.1 capable processor or else the whole expression is running in C mode. - Recognize \' and \b and \v in escaped (e"somethg") string literals (see http://avisynth.nl/index.php/The_full_AviSynth_grammar#Literals)
- Expr: allow TAB, CR and LF characters as whitespace in expression strings
- Clip types for propSet, propGet, add propSetClip, propGetClip
- Clip content support for propGetAsArray, propSetArray and propGetAll
- RGBAdjust: analyse=true 32 bit float support
Build environment, Interface:
- Added stubs for compiling on RISC-V and SPARC
- Visual Studio 2022: Add /fp:contract to compilation parameters (addition to /fp:precise)
- Check Visual Studio 2022, add build examples to documentation. Recognized: it has still an option to use v141_xp toolkit
- CMake build environment: older GCC can be used which knows only -std=c++-1z instead of c++17
- AviSynth programming interface V8.1 / V9:
Add 'MakePropertyWritable' to the IScriptEnvironment (CPP interface), avs_make_property_writable (C interface)
Add 'VideoFrame::IsPropertyWritable' (CPP interface), avs_is_property_writable (C interface) - Info on Windows XP compatibility (must revert to an older Visual C++ Redistributable)
- CMake/source: Intel C++ Compiler 2021 and Intel C++ Compiler 19.2 support
- experimental! Fix CUDA plugin support on specific builds, add CMake support for the option.
- Fixes for building the core as a static library
- Fix: "Text" filter would crash when y coord is odd and format has vertical subsampling
- Fix: MinMax runtime filter family: check plane existance (e.g. error when requesting RPlaneMinMaxDifference on YV12)
- Fix: prevent x64 debug AviSynth builds from crashing in VirtualDub2 (opened through CAVIStreamSynth)
- Expr: fix conversion factor (+correct chroma scaling) when integer-to-integer full-scale automatic range scaling was required
- ColorYUV: fix 32 bit float output
- ColorYUV: fix display when showyuv=true and bits=32
- ConvertBits: "dither" parameter: type changed to integer. Why was it float? :)
- ConvertBits: Fix: fulls=true -> fulld=true 16->8 bit missing rounding
- Fix: Planar RGB 32 bit -> YUV matrix="PC.709"/"PC.601"/"PC.2020" resulted in greyscale image
- SelectRangeEvery: experimental fix on getting audio part (TomArrow; #232)
- Fix: Overlay "blend" 10+ bit clips and "opacity"<1 would leave rightmost non-mod8 (10-16 bit format) or non-mod4 (32 bit format) pixels unprocessed.
- Fix: Overlay "blend" with exactly 16 bit clips and "opacity"<1 would treat large mask values as zero (when proc>=SSE4.1)
- Parser: proper error message when a script array is passed to a non-array named function argument
(e.g. foo(sigma=[1.1,1.1]) to [foo]f parameter signature) - Fix: Expr: wrong constant folding optimization when ternary operator and Store-Only (like M^) operator is used together.
- ColorBars: fixed studio RGB values for -I and +Q for rgb pixel types
- ColorBarsHD: use BT.709-2 for +I (Pattern 2), not BT.601.
Also fixed Pattern 1 Green.Y to conform to SMPTE RP 219-1:2014 (133, not 134). - Overlay mode "multiply": proper rounding in internal calculations
- Fix: ConvertAudio integer 32-to-8 bits C code garbage (regression in 3.7)
- Fix: ConvertAudio: float to 32 bit integer conversion max value glitch (regression in 3.7)
- Fix: Crash in ColorBars very first frame when followed by ResampleAudio
- Fix: frame property access from C interface
- Fix: StackVertical and packed RGB formats: get audio and parity from the first and not the last clip
- Quicker ClearProperties and CopyProperties filters (by using MakePropertyWritable instead of MakeWritable).
- ConvertBits: AVX2 support
- ConvertBits: Special case for: 8->16 bit fulls=true, fulld=true
- Expr: consume less bytes on stack. 48x Expr call in sequence caused stack overflow
- xxxPlaneMin xxxPlaneMax, xxxPlaneMinMaxDifference for threshold 0 became a bit quicker for 8-16 bit formats (~10% on i7-7700)
- Speedup: Overlay mode "multiply": overlay clip is not converted to 4:4:4 internally when 420 or 422 subsampled format
(since only Y is used from that clip) - Speedup: Overlay mode "multiply": SSE4.1 and AVX2 code (was: C only)
SSE4.1: ~1.2-2.5X speed, AVX2: ~2-3.5X speed (i7700 x64 single thread, depending on opacity full/not, mask clip yes/no) - ConvertAudio: Add direct Float from/to 8/16 conversions (C,SSE2,AVX2)
= Includes the MSVC 2019 Redistributable
= Can be used on Windows XP
= Only the .dll files themselves, no installer. Includes both normal and -xp variants.
If you're unsure of which to download, pick AviSynthPlus_3.7.1_20211231_vcredist.exe