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React components for use React & Fluent v9


React: The components work with a range of React versions as specified in the peer dependencies. However, we've experienced type errors in slots when using a @types/react version other than 17 (which is the version used by Fluent v9).

The React packages are based on the @fluentui/react-* v9 packages.


  1. Add registry to .npmrc, .yarnrc or similar, as well as your GitHub token:


    If using .yarnrc.yml this would instead be:

        npmRegistryServer: ""
        npmAuthToken: TOKEN
  2. Add the @fluentui/react-components, @fluentui/react-icons, @axiscommunications/fluent-theme and @axiscommunications/fluent-icons packages.

    npm add @fluentui/react-components @fluentui/react-icons @axiscommunications/fluent-theme @axiscommunications/fluent-icons
  3. Start using Fluent UI v9 in and the Axis theme in in your application

    import React from "react";
    import { FluentProvider } from "@fluentui/react-components";
    import { axisDarkTheme } from "@axiscommunications/fluent-theme";
    import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
    const container = document.getElementById("root");
    const root = createRoot(container!);
        <FluentProvider theme={axisDarkTheme}>
          <App />


Make sure you have node and pnpm installed.

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone
  2. Install all dependencies

    pnpm install
  3. Build all packages

    pnpm build
  4. Run examples

    pnpm dev


The following is one example of how to use a local version while developing.

  1. Application project's package.json: "@axiscommunications/fluent-topbar": "portal:path/to/repo/top-bar"
  2. Application project's esbuild config: { preserveSymlinks: true }
  3. path/to/repo/top-bar/node_modules: rm react -rf

This setup avoids bundling multiple copies of React. The application project's dev server will pick up changes only after running pnpm build, not when source files change.

Release a new version

  1. Checkout a new temporary branch for the release PR (e.g. rel)

    git fetch
    git switch -c rel origin/main
  2. Create release commit on the branch

    pnpm exec release major|minor|patch

    or to release an alpha version

    pnpm exec release premajor|preminor|prepatch|prerelease
  3. Push release branch

    git push origin rel
  4. Create a PR on GitHub, and when it's merged, it will automatically deploy NPM packages and create a GitHub release. Make sure the rel branch is removed after the PR is merged, that makes it easier to re-use it later on.


When bumping @fluentui/react-components it is preferred to regenerate theme-tokens due to potential updates to tokens. These generated files are used for applications not able to run @fluentui, but still be able to use the themes.

pnpm --filter @axiscommunications/fluent-theme tokens:runall