pedestrian dead reckoning using phone sensors.
Indoor positioning method using Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) based on phone sensors data: Accelerometer, Magnetometer and Gyroscope.
I implemented and used this localization technique for my internship at Continental: Implementation and optimization of a localization system for connected vehicles.
_For more details about the PDR, please refer to this Article or this one.
_For more details about my internship, please email me at
- Phyphox
- Android Studio
In the following example, I made a complete turn in a hallway, i.e. a looped path of 116m and 168 steps.
This project was developed in python.
To install all the packages used in this project:
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Upload the csv files of your data sensors on ./data/
- Accelerometer.csv
- Magnetometer.csv
- Gyroscope.csv
- Location.csv
To display sensors data on graphs:
python ./src/
To display compute steps methods on graphs:
python ./src/
To display length estimation per step:
python ./src/
To display tracking:
python ./src/