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Micro library for write unittest-like tests(assertions) for Data Science projects. Contains pandas.Series and pandas.DataFrame related assertions. Also, can handle pandera schemas for assertion testing.

Assertions: datatest.assertions

Assertions have three modules:

  • datatest.assertions.base: base assertions
  • datatest.assertions.columns: assertions on pandas Series
  • datatest.assertions.df: assertions on pandas DataFrames

Base Assertions: datatest.assertions.base

There are 3 main Assertion classes that can be helpfull:

  • BaseAssertion: abstract base class for all assertions. You can inherite this class for create your own assertions.
  • FnAssertion: assertion based on the custom function.
  • PanderaSchemaAssertion: assertion on pandas DataFrame with pandera schema

abstract BaseAssertion

class BaseAssertion(ABC):
    name: str = "Assertion"
    status: Literal["passed", "failed"] = None
    error_message: str = None

    def assertion(self) -> bool:
        """ assertion method, returns True if the assertion passed, False otherwise. """
    def set_passed(self) -> bool:
        self.status = "passed"
        return True

    def set_failed(self, error_message: str = None) -> bool:
        """ set status of assertion as failed with message """
        self.status = "failed"
        if error_message:
            self.error_message = error_message
        return False

    def prepare_args(self):
        """ prepare self attributes for assertion, will be run before `assertion` itself """

    def run(self) -> bool:
        """ run validation, preparation and assertion """
        return self.assertion()

For creating your own assertions you have to inherite BaseAssertion and implement assertion method. The method have to return call of set_passed or set_failed method, and they return boolean. set_failed takes a string with error message. This message will be displayed if the assertion is failed and should be a little informative. Also, you can implement validate and prepare_args methods. First, will be called validate method, then prepare_args, where you can do some preparation for the assertion. Finally, you have to implement assertion method. Here is an example:

class HasColumnsAssertion(BaseAssertion):
    name = "DFHasColumns"

    def __init__(self,
                 df: pd.DataFrame,
                 columns: Union[List[str], pd.Index],
                 strict: bool = False
        """ df pandas dataframe must have columns listed in `columns` list or columns of the df itself
            :param df: pandas dataframe
            :param columns: columns list
            :param strict: if `True`, will raise error if there is any columns not listed in `columns`, defaults to `False`
        assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame), "df must be of type pd.DataFrame"
        self.df = df
        self.columns = columns
        self.strict = strict

    def validate(self):
        if not isinstance(self.df, pd.DataFrame): raise ValidationError(f"{self.df} must be of type pd.DataFrame")
        if not isinstance(self.columns, (List[str], pd.Index)): raise ValidationError(f"{self.df} must be of type pd.DataFrame")

    def prepare_args(self) -> None:
        if isinstance(self.columns, pd.Index):
            self.columns = self.columns.to_list()

    def assertion(self):
        df_cols = self.df.columns.to_list()
        not_in_df = set(self.columns) - set(df_cols)
        if not self.strict:
            if not not_in_df:
                return self.set_passed()
                return self.set_failed(f"Columns: '{list(not_in_df)}' not in df: {df_cols}.")
            not_in_columns = set(df_cols) - set(self.columns)
            if not not_in_df:
                if not not_in_columns:
                    return self.set_passed()
                    msg = f"Columns: '{list(not_in_columns)}' are in df, but not in your list: {self.columns}"
                    return self.set_failed(msg)
                msg = f"Columns: '{list(not_in_df)}' not in df: {df_cols}"
                return self.set_failed(msg)

run method of the assertions will run validate, prepare_args and assertion methods sequentially.


FnAssertion(fn: callable, *args:tuple, **kwargs: dict) - assertion based on the custom fn function. args and kwargs are positional and keyword arguments that will be passed to the fn function. Assertion will be failed if fn raises any exception, otherwise passed.

def fn(df: pd.DataFrame):
    if df['numeric'].mean() > 100:
        raise AssertionError("Mean is less than 50")

fna = FnAssertion(fn=fn, df=df)


PanderaSchemaAssertion(schema: pa.DataFrameSchema, df: pd.DataFrame) - assertion on pandas DataFrame with pandera schema. Pandera gives you rich set of validation rules for pandas DataFrame. You can use it as validation tool here.

df_schema = pa.DataFrameSchema({
                                "site_name": pa.Column(str, checks=pa.Check(lambda site_name: site_name.str.isalpha())),
                                "site_url": pa.Column(str, checks=pa.Check(validate_url))})
pa1 = PanderaSchemaAssertion(df_schema, df)

In the example above, df must be pandas DataFrame and df_schema must be pandera schema. Assertion will be failed if df_schema failed schema validation by pandera, otherwise passed.


testdata.core.TestPipe - runs assertions sequentially.

pipe = TestPipe(name: str, assertions: List[BaseAssertion]) will run pipeline, and assertions will be run sequentially.Finally, you will see printed result - passed/failed assertions and error messages.

[test_pipe]: Running assertions
	1|DFHasColumns|: [passed]
	2|DFHasColumns|: [passed]
	3|DFHasColumns|: [failed] -> Columns: '['domain', 'numeric']' are in df, but not in your list: ['site_name', 'site_url']
	4|PanderaDataFrameSchema|: [passed]
	5|FnAssertion|: [failed] -> Assertion Function Failed: 'Mean is less than 50'
Successfully ran [3/5] assertions


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  • write azure-pipeline CI/CD pipeline
  • mb logging
  • detailed tests for tests :)
  • mb integrate python' unittest test cases...


Testing tools for Data Science






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