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Assigning Azure Policies


ALZ-Bicep provides a flexible Policy Assignments module that not only handles the Policy Assignment itself to a Management Group but also the Managed Identity and required RBAC Role Assignment to the same scope as the Policy Assignment as well as providing options to make RBAC Role Assignments to additional scopes, if required.

ALZ-Bicep also provides the ALZ Default Policy Assignments module that makes all of the recommended/default Policy Assignments as per the Azure Landing Zone Accelerator. This is effectively an orchestration Bicep file that calls and uses the Policy Assignments module multiple times to make the Policy Assignments at the desired scopes.

It is expected that most customers will want or need to make additional Azure Policy Assignments of either built-in or custom Policy Definitions to help them meet their requirements. This is where this wiki article will help explain how this is possible and advise of the various ways this can also be done.


Install the ALZ PowerShell Module on your local development machine or within the Azure Cloud Shell using the following command:

Warning: In order to use this module, PowerShell 7.1 or higher needs to be installed

Install-Module -Name ALZ

Version 0.2.8 or higher must be installed of the ALZ module, you can check this with Get-Module -Name ALZ

What are the options?

There are a few options for you to make additional Policy Assignments using Bicep and more specifically ALZ-Bicep.

  1. Extend the ALZ Default Policy Assignments module from ALZ-Bicep
    • (optional) Adding additional assignments as a .json file to the lib and add additional variables like varPolicyAssignmentDenyIPForwarding etc.
  2. Create your own additional Policy Assignments orchestration module, cloning the approach used in the ALZ Default Policy Assignments module from ALZ-Bicep
  3. Define the assignment via "native" Bicep and deploy as a separate deployment
    • Using API schema for Policy Assignments
    • Example can be seen here
    • Need to ensure you make the required RBAC Role Assignments also as a separate resource declaration for policies that use Managed Identities for remediation tasks like DeployIfNotExists and Modify

For options 1 & 2 the use of .json files in the lib is completely optional, you can also call the Policy Assignments module and pass in the parameter values in a "hardcoded" fashion. You can even mix these approaches and pass in some parameter values from the .json files in the lib and others via "hardcoded" values.

When mixing policy assignment parameter values from .json files in the lib and also "hardcoded" values ensure you use the module parameter of parPolicyAssignmentParameterOverrides to ensure your "hardcoded" values take precedence over those values from the .json files in the lib referenced via the associated variables for each policy assignment.

We recommend were possible to use option 1 or 2 and extend the current ALZ-Bicep approach for assigning additional policies. Option 1 is more suited to those customers that only need to add a handful of additional policies to the ALZ Default Policy Assignments module. Where as option 2 is better suited for those customers that want assign a significant amount of additional policies or want to maintain the separation between the ALZ default policy assignments and their own additional assignments.

Option 2 will make it easier to pull in updates from ALZ-Bicep for the ALZ Default Policy Assignments module if there are any changes to the defaults and will reduce chances of merge conflicts and manual remediation to merge them.

How do I extend the ALZ-Bicep ALZ Default Policy Assignments module?

To extend the ALZ Default Policy Assignments module from ALZ-Bicep follow the below process.

⚠️ Before assigning a policy its definition must already exist, please review the Deployment Flow wiki article for orchestration guidance and How Does ALZ-Bicep Implement Azure Policies? for policy specific guidance ⚠️

If you do not wish to use a .json file in the lib for the assignment then please start at step 5 of the below process 👍

  1. Navigate to the Policy Assignments lib directory: infra-as-code\bicep\modules\policy\assignments\lib\policy_assignments
  2. Copy/clone an existing .json file and rename it to something appropriate
    • Try to copy a policy with the same effect as the policy you are wanting to add
    • Important: The file name of the .json file is not important. It can be anything you like as long as it ends .json
  3. Amend contents of new file to values for the new policy assignment
    • Common properties to change: name, displayName, description, metadata, parameters, policyDefinitionId, enforcementMode, identity
  4. Run the Invoke-PolicyToBicep.ps1 script to update the _policyAssignmentsBicepInput.txt file in the lib folder
    1. Copy the entire contents of the relevant _policyAssignmentsBicepInput.txt file and replace the variables for the policy assignments metadata (lines 78 to 202 today in the alzDefaultPolicyAssignments.bicep module)
  5. Define a new module declaration using the Policy Assignments module in the alzDefaultPolicyAssignments.bicep module
  6. Redeploy the updated ALZ Default Policy Assignments module via your configured method (locally via Azure CLI or PowerShell or via Azure DevOps pipeline or GitHub action)
  7. New Policy Assignments now deployed to specified scopes with associated Managed Identities and RBAC Role Assignments, if required.

What about if I want to follow option 2?

The steps explained in the above section to extend the ALZ Default Policy Assignments module still apply and should be followed however you will do this in a separate Bicep file instead.

You will also need to ensure you create unique deployment names for each policy assignment as we do in the ALZ Default Policy Assignments module in the variable named varModuleDeploymentNames which is referenced for each policy assignment to its associated deployment name.

What if I want to exclude specific policy assignments from ALZ Default Policy Assignments?

If specific ALZ default policies does not fit your organization you can exclude policies from the ALZ Default Policy Assignments module by following the process below:

  1. Navigate to the Policy Assignments lib directory: infra-as-code\bicep\modules\policy\assignments\lib\policy_assignments

  2. Open the .json file for the policy that you want to exclude and find/copy the name property. Example "name": "Deploy-VM-Monitoring" in policy_assignment_es_deploy_vm_monitoring.tmpl.json

  3. Add the name property to the parameter array parExcludedPolicyAssignments in ALZ Default Policy Assignments module Example:

    "parExcludedPolicyAssignments" : {
      "value": [


If you have any issues or require any assistance or advice please raise a GitHub Issue on the repo and we will work with you to assist where possible.