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Mitigation for the Disabled TLS 1.0 1.1 issue

kaibocai edited this page May 11, 2022 · 2 revisions

For Windows plan:

  • Option1: Add AppSetting Key languageWorkers:java:defaultExecutablePath with value set to C:\Program Files\Java\zulu8.52.0.23-jre8.0.282-win_x64\bin\java.exe
  • Option2: run command az functionapp config set -g \<resource-group\> -n \<function name\> --java-version "1.8.0_282", for ex: az functionapp config set -g java-functions-group-demo-mamoun-trigger -n testdemo-demo-mamoun-trigger --java-version "1.8.0_282". More details about this command can be find here az functionapp config set
  • If your app is using consumption plan, you also need add following appsetting. Note: This will increase cold starts for java functions
    • App setting key WEBSITE_USE_PLACEHOLDER with value set to 0

For Linux plan:

  • Please for linux app service/elastic premium java 8 apps set LinuxFxVersion to DOCKER| by following these steps Manual version updates on linux
  • Please for linux app service/elastic premium java 11 apps set LinuxFxVersion to DOCKER| by following these steps Manual version updates on linux
  • Please for linux consumption java 8 apps set LinuxFxVersion to DOCKER| by following these steps Manual version updates on linux
  • Please for linux consumption java 11 apps set LinuxFxVersion to DOCKER| by following these steps Manual version updates on linux