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Setting up a RabbitMQ Endpoint

Yogesh Jagadeesan edited this page Dec 21, 2020 · 4 revisions

One option to spin up a RabbitMQ endpoint is to use Azure Kubernetes Service.

  1. Create an Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster
  2. Install Helm
  3. Install the RabbitMQ Helm Chart
helm install rabbitmq --set auth.username=user,auth.password=PASSWORD,service.type=LoadBalancer 

This will create a rabbitMQ in your cluster with the username user, the password PASSWORD and it will be externally available at an IP Address provided by Kubernetes.

  1. View the status of the deployment and wait for it to be Running
    kubectl get pods
  2. Copy the external IP for the RabbitMQ service
    kubectl get svc rabbitmq

You can now use your IP Address and RabbitMQ instance to develop and test against the Azure Functions trigger and binding with the below connection string:


To use the RabbitMQ Management server, go to "http://yourExternalIp:15672/" in your browser.

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