Azure IoT SDKs
Node Device and Service Clients
- Add SDK version string to AMQP and HTTP transports
- Fix username field in MQTT connect method
- Factor device SDK transports into their own packages
C# Device and Service Clients
- Update C# device client package dependency to Asp.Net 5.2.3
- Bugfixes in .NET MF Client
- Added Getting Started document for C# on Toradex Linux
Java Device and Service Clients
- Service SDK - added bulk import and export operations support.
- Change to exclude signature files from shaded sample jars.
- Improvements to allow sending of additional messages (up to the amount of available link credit on the particular link) without waiting for acknowledgements of previously sent messages.
- Improves the amount of time taken to close the AMQPS transport.
C Device and Service Clients
- Add SDK version string to HTTP transport
- Update cmake version to 2.8.11
- Fix docs and builds for TI CC3200 and Arduino Yun
- Updated certification guidelines for C SDK on Linux