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Sync eng/common directory with azure-sdk-tools for PR 7537 #38344

merged 10 commits into from
Jan 17, 2024
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions eng/common/scripts/Helpers/git-helpers.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,3 +36,75 @@ function Get-ChangedFiles {
return $changedFiles

class ConflictedFile {
[string]$LeftSource = ""
[string]$RightSource = ""
[string]$Content = ""
[string]$Path = ""
[boolean]$IsConflicted = $false

ConflictedFile([string]$File = "") {
if (!(Test-Path $File)) {
throw "File $File does not exist, pass a valid file path to the constructor."

# Normally we would use Resolve-Path $file, but git only can handle relative paths using git show <commitsh>:<path>
# Therefore, just maintain whatever the path is given to us. Left() and Right() should therefore be called from the same
# directory as where we defined the relative path to the target file.
$this.Path = $File
$this.Content = Get-Content -Raw $File


[array] Left(){
if ($this.IsConflicted) {
# we are forced to get this line by line and reassemble via join because of how powershell is interacting with
# git show --textconv commitsh:path
# powershell ignores the newlines with and without --textconv, which results in a json file without original spacing.
# by forcefully reading into the array line by line, the whitespace is preserved. we're relying on gits autoconverstion of clrf to lf
# to ensure that the line endings are consistent.
Write-Host "git show $($this.LeftSource):$($this.Path)"
$tempContent = git show ("$($this.LeftSource):$($this.Path)")
return $tempContent -split "`r?`n"
else {
return $this.Content

[array] Right(){
if ($this.IsConflicted) {
Write-Host "git show $($this.RightSource):$($this.Path)"
$tempContent = git show ("$($this.RightSource):$($this.Path)")
return $tempContent -split "`r?`n"
else {
return $this.Content

[void] ParseContent([string]$IncomingContent) {
$lines = $IncomingContent -split "`r?`n"
$l = @()
$r = @()

foreach($line in $lines) {
if ($line -match "^<<<<<<<\s*(.+)") {
$this.IsConflicted = $true
$this.LeftSource = $matches[1]
elseif ($line -match "^>>>>>>>\s*(.+)") {
$this.IsConflicted = $true
$this.RightSource = $matches[1]

if ($this.LeftSource -and $this.RightSource) {
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions eng/common/scripts/Helpers/git-helpers.tests.ps1
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# Install-Module -Name Pester -Force -SkipPublisherCheck
# Invoke-Pester -Passthru path/to/git-helpers.tests.ps1
BeforeAll {
. $PSScriptRoot/git-helpers.ps1

$RunFolder = "$PSScriptRoot/.testruns"

if (Test-Path $RunFolder){
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $RunFolder

New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $RunFolder

Describe "git-helpers.ps1 tests"{
Context "Test Parse-ConflictedFile" {
It "Parses a basic conflicted file" {
$content = @'
"AssetsRepo": "Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration",
"AssetsRepoPrefixPath": "python",
"TagPrefix": "python/storage/azure-storage-blob",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"Tag": "integration/example/storage_feature_addition2"
"Tag": "integration/example/storage_feature_addition1"
>>>>>>> test-storage-tag-combination
$contentPath = Join-Path $RunFolder "basic_conflict_test.json"
Set-Content -Path $contentPath -Value $content

$resolution = [ConflictedFile]::new($contentPath)
$resolution.IsConflicted | Should -Be $true
$resolution.LeftSource | Should -Be "HEAD"
$resolution.RightSource | Should -Be "test-storage-tag-combination"

It "Recognizes when no conflicts are present" {
$content = @'
"AssetsRepo": "Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration",
"AssetsRepoPrefixPath": "python",
"TagPrefix": "python/storage/azure-storage-blob",
"Tag": "integration/example/storage_feature_addition1"
$contentPath = Join-Path $RunFolder "no_conflict_test.json"
Set-Content -Path $contentPath -Value $content

$resolution = [ConflictedFile]::new($contentPath)
$resolution.IsConflicted | Should -Be $false
$resolution.LeftSource | Should -Be ""
$resolution.RightSource | Should -Be ""
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions eng/common/testproxy/onboarding/common-asset-functions.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,24 @@ class Version {

Function Resolve-Proxy {
$testProxyExe = "test-proxy"
# this script requires the presence of the test-proxy on the PATH
$proxyToolPresent = Test-Exe-In-Path -ExeToLookFor "test-proxy" -ExitOnError $false
$proxyStandalonePresent = Test-Exe-In-Path -ExeToLookFor "Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy" -ExitOnError $false

if (-not $proxyToolPresent -and -not $proxyStandalonePresent) {
Write-Error "This script requires the presence of a test-proxy executable to complete its operations. Exiting."
exit 1

if (-not $proxyToolPresent) {
$testProxyExe = "Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy"

return $testProxyExe

Function Test-Exe-In-Path {
Param([string] $ExeToLookFor, [bool]$ExitOnError = $true)
if ($null -eq (Get-Command $ExeToLookFor -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
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62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions eng/common/testproxy/scripts/resolve-asset-conflict/
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@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# Merge Proxy Tags Script

This script is intended to allow easy resolution of a conflicting `assets.json` file.

In most cases where two branches `X` and `Y` have progressed alongside each other, a simple

`git checkout X && git merge Y` can successfully merge _other_ than the `assets.json` file.

That often will end up looking like this:

"AssetsRepo": "Azure/azure-sdk-assets-integration",
"AssetsRepoPrefixPath": "python",
"TagPrefix": "python/storage/azure-storage-blob",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"Tag": "integration/example/storage_feature_addition2"
"Tag": "integration/example/storage_feature_addition1"
>>>>>>> test-storage-tag-combination

This script uses `git` to tease out the source and target tags, then merge the incoming tag into the recordings of the base tag.

This script should _only_ be used on an already conflicted `assets.json` file. Otherwise, no action will be executed.

## Usage

### PreReqs

- Must have []`pshell 6+`](
- Must have `git` available on your PATH
- Must have the `test-proxy` available on your PATH
- `test-proxy` is honored when the proxy is installed as a `dotnet tool`
- `Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy` is honored when the standalone executable is on your PATH
- Defaults to `dotnet tool` if both are present on the PATH.

### Call the script

For simplicity when resolving merge-conflicts, invoke the script from the root of the repo. The help instructions from `merge-asset-tags` use paths relative from repo root.

# including context to get into a merge conflict
cd "path/to/language/repo/root"
git checkout base-branch
git merge target-branch
# auto resolve / merge conflicting tag values
./eng/common/testproxy/scripts/resolve-asset-conflict/resolve-asset-conflict.ps1 sdk/storage/azure-storage-blob/assets.json
# user pushes
test-proxy push -a sdk/storage/azure-storage-blob/assets.json

### Resolving conflicts

When an assets.json merge has conflicts on the **test recordings** side, the `merge-proxy-tags` script will exit with an error describing how to re-invoke the `merge-proxy-tags` script AFTER you resolve the conflicts.

- `cd` into the assets location output by the script
- resolve the conflict or conflicts
- add the resolution, and invoke `git cherry-pick --continue`

Afterwards, re-invoke the `merge-proxy-tags` script with arguments given to you in original error. This will leave the assets in a `touched` state that can be `test-proxy push`-ed.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#Requires -Version 6.0
#Requires -PSEdition Core

Within an assets.json file that has in a conflicted state (specifically on asset tag), merge the two tags that are conflicting and leave the assets.json in a commitable state.

USAGE: resolve-asset-conflict.ps1 path/to/target_assets_json

Parses the assets.json file and determines which tags are in conflict. If there are no conflicts, the script exits.

1. Parse the tags (base and target) from conflicting assets.json.
2. Update the assets.json with the base tag, but remember the target tag.
3. merge-proxy-tags.ps1 $AssetsJson base_tag target_tag

This script requires that test-proxy or should be on the PATH.

The script uses a target assets.json to understand what tags are in conflict. This is the only required parameter.

[string] $AssetsJson

. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ".." ".." "onboarding" "common-asset-functions.ps1")
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ".." ".." ".." "scripts" "Helpers" "git-helpers.ps1")

$TestProxy = Resolve-Proxy

if (!(Test-Path $AssetsJson)) {
Write-Error "AssetsJson file does not exist: $AssetsJson"
exit 1

# normally we we would Resolve-Path the $AssetsJson, but the git show command only works with relative paths, so we'll just keep that here.
if (-not $AssetsJson.EndsWith("assets.json")) {
Write-Error "This script can only resolve conflicts within an assets.json. The file provided is not an assets.json: $AssetsJson"
exit 1

$conflictingAssets = [ConflictedFile]::new($AssetsJson)

if (-not $conflictingAssets.IsConflicted) {
Write-Host "No conflicts found in $AssetsJson, nothing to resolve, so there is no second tag to merge. Exiting"
exit 0

# this is very dumb, but will properly work!
try {
$BaseAssets = $conflictingAssets.Left() | ConvertFrom-Json
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to convert previous version to valid JSON format."
exit 1

try {
$TargetAssets = $conflictingAssets.Right() | ConvertFrom-Json
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to convert target assets.json version to valid JSON format."
exit 1

Write-Host "Replacing conflicted assets.json with base branch version." -ForegroundColor Green
Set-Content -Path $AssetsJson -Value $conflictingAssets.Left()

$ScriptPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ".." "tag-merge" "merge-proxy-tags.ps1"
& $ScriptPath $AssetsJson $BaseAssets.Tag $TargetAssets.Tag

if ($lastexitcode -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Successfully auto-merged assets tag '$($TargetASsets.Tag)' into tag '$($BaseAssets.Tag)'. Invoke 'test-proxy push -a $AssetsJson' and commit the resulting assets.json!" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host "Conflicts were discovered, resolve the conflicts and invoke the `"merge-proxy-tags.ps1`" as recommended in the line directly above."
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion eng/common/testproxy/scripts/tag-merge/
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Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ This script merely allows the abstraction of some of this "combination" work.
- Must have the `test-proxy` available on your PATH
- `test-proxy` is honored when the proxy is installed as a `dotnet tool`
- `Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy` is honored when the standalone executable is on your PATH
- Preference for `dotnet tool` if present
- Defaults to `dotnet tool` if both are present on the PATH.

### Call the script

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28 changes: 7 additions & 21 deletions eng/common/testproxy/scripts/tag-merge/merge-proxy-tags.ps1
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Expand Up @@ -68,24 +68,6 @@ function Git-Command($CommandString, $WorkingDirectory, $HardExit=$true) {
return $result.Output

function Resolve-Proxy {
$testProxyExe = "test-proxy"
# this script requires the presence of the test-proxy on the PATH
$proxyToolPresent = Test-Exe-In-Path -ExeToLookFor "test-proxy" -ExitOnError $false
$proxyStandalonePresent = Test-Exe-In-Path -ExeToLookFor "Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy" -ExitOnError $false

if (-not $proxyToolPresent -and -not $proxyStandalonePresent) {
Write-Error "This script requires the presence of a test-proxy executable to complete its operations. Exiting."
exit 1

if (-not $proxyToolPresent) {
$testProxyExe = "Azure.Sdk.Tools.TestProxy"

return $testProxyExe

function Call-Proxy {
[string] $TestProxyExe,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,14 +238,17 @@ function Prepare-Assets($ProxyExe, $MountDirectory, $AssetsJson) {

function Combine-Tags($RemainingTags, $AssetsRepoLocation, $MountDirectory){
function Combine-Tags($RemainingTags, $AssetsRepoLocation, $MountDirectory, $RelativeAssetsJson){
$remainingTagString = $RemainingTags -join " "
foreach($Tag in $RemainingTags) {
$tagSha = Get-Tag-SHA $Tag $AssetsRepoLocation
$existingTags = Save-Incomplete-Progress $Tag $MountDirectory
$cherryPickResult = Git-Command-With-Result "cherry-pick $tagSha" - $AssetsRepoLocation -HardExit $false

if ($cherryPickResult.ExitCode -ne 0) {
Write-Host "Conflicts while cherry-picking $Tag. Resolve the the conflict over in `"$AssetsRepoLocation`", and re-run this script with the same arguments as before." -ForegroundColor Red
$error = "Conflicts while cherry-picking $Tag. Resolve the the conflict over in `"$AssetsRepoLocation`", and re-invoke " +
"by `"./eng/common/testproxy/scripts/tag-merge/merge-proxy-tags.ps1 $RelativeAssetsJson $remainingTagString`""
Write-Host $error -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,6 +279,7 @@ if ($PSVersionTable["PSVersion"].Major -lt 6) {
# resolve the proxy location so that we can invoke it easily, if not present we exit here.
$proxyExe = Resolve-Proxy

$relativeAssetsJson = $AssetsJson
$AssetsJson = Resolve-Path $AssetsJson

# figure out where the root of the repo for the passed assets.json is. We need it to properly set the mounting
Expand All @@ -313,6 +299,6 @@ $tags = Resolve-Target-Tags $AssetsJson $TargetTags $mountDirectory

Start-Message $AssetsJson $Tags $AssetsRepoLocation $mountDirectory

$CombinedTags = Combine-Tags $Tags $AssetsRepoLocation $mountDirectory
$CombinedTags = Combine-Tags $Tags $AssetsRepoLocation $mountDirectory $relativeAssetsJson

Finish-Message $AssetsJson $CombinedTags $AssetsRepoLocation $mountDirectory