2.0.0 (2023-03-20)
Features Added
Model ContactProfile has a new parameter third_party_configurations
Model ContactProfileProperties has a new parameter third_party_configurations
Model ContactProfilesProperties has a new parameter third_party_configurations
Model OperationResult has a new parameter next_link
Model OperationResult has a new parameter value
Operation ContactProfilesOperations.begin_create_or_update has a new optional parameter third_party_configurations
Breaking Changes
Model Contact no longer has parameter etag
Model ContactProfile no longer has parameter etag
Model Spacecraft no longer has parameter etag
Parameter contact_profile of model Contact is now required
Parameter expiration_date of model AuthorizedGroundstation is now required
Parameter ground_station of model AuthorizedGroundstation is now required
Parameter ground_station_name of model Contact is now required
Parameter id of model AvailableContactsSpacecraft is now required
Parameter id of model ContactParametersContactProfile is now required
Parameter id of model ContactsPropertiesContactProfile is now required
Parameter id of model ResourceReference is now required
Parameter links of model ContactProfile is now required
Parameter links of model Spacecraft is now required
Parameter network_configuration of model ContactProfile is now required
Parameter reservation_end_time of model Contact is now required
Parameter reservation_start_time of model Contact is now required
Parameter title_line of model Spacecraft is now required
Parameter tle_line1 of model Spacecraft is now required
Parameter tle_line2 of model Spacecraft is now required
Removed operation AvailableGroundStationsOperations.get
You can’t perform that action at this time.