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format fixes in token acquisition (#578)
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jennyf19 authored Sep 15, 2020
1 parent 5de4084 commit e97d011
Showing 1 changed file with 117 additions and 117 deletions.
234 changes: 117 additions & 117 deletions src/Microsoft.Identity.Web/TokenAcquisition.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -266,40 +266,6 @@ public async Task<AuthenticationResult> GetAuthenticationResultForUserAsync(

private async Task<AuthenticationResult?> GetAuthenticationResultForWebApiToCallDownstreamApiAsync(
IConfidentialClientApplication application,
string authority,
IEnumerable<string> scopes)
// In web API, validatedToken will not be null
JwtSecurityToken? validatedToken = CurrentHttpContext?.GetTokenUsedToCallWebAPI();

// Case of web APIs: we need to do an on-behalf-of flow, with the token used to call the API
if (validatedToken != null)
// In the case the token is a JWE (encrypted token), we use the decrypted token.
string tokenUsedToCallTheWebApi = validatedToken.InnerToken == null ? validatedToken.RawData
: validatedToken.InnerToken.RawData;
var result = await application
.AcquireTokenOnBehalfOf(scopes.Except(_scopesRequestedByMsal), new UserAssertion(tokenUsedToCallTheWebApi))
return result;

return null;
catch (MsalUiRequiredException ex)
_logger.LogInformation(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, LogMessages.ErrorAcquiringTokenForDownstreamWebApi, ex.Message));
throw ex;

/// <summary>
/// Acquires a token from the authority configured in the app, for the confidential client itself (not on behalf of a user)
/// using the client credentials flow. See
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,6 +310,87 @@ public async Task<string> GetAccessTokenForAppAsync(string scope, string? tenant
return result.AccessToken;

/// <summary>
/// Typically used from a web app or web API controller, this method retrieves an access token
/// for a downstream API using;
/// 1) the token cache (for web apps and web APIs) if a token exists in the cache
/// 2) or the <a href=''>on-behalf-of flow</a>
/// in web APIs, for the user account that is ascertained from the claims provided in the <see cref="HttpContext.User"/>
/// instance of the current HttpContext.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scopes">Scopes to request for the downstream API to call.</param>
/// <param name="tenant">Enables overriding of the tenant/account for the same identity. This is useful in the
/// cases where a given account is a guest in other tenants, and you want to acquire tokens for a specific tenant.</param>
/// <param name="userFlow">Azure AD B2C user flow to target.</param>
/// <param name="user">Optional claims principal representing the user. If not provided, will use the signed-in
/// user (in a web app), or the user for which the token was received (in a web API)
/// cases where a given account is a guest in other tenants, and you want to acquire tokens for a specific tenant.</param>
/// <returns>An access token to call the downstream API and populated with this downstream API's scopes.</returns>
/// <remarks>Calling this method from a web API supposes that you have previously called,
/// in a method called by JwtBearerOptions.Events.OnTokenValidated, the HttpContextExtensions.StoreTokenUsedToCallWebAPI method
/// passing the validated token (as a JwtSecurityToken). Calling it from a web app supposes that
/// you have previously called AddAccountToCacheFromAuthorizationCodeAsync from a method called by
/// OpenIdConnectOptions.Events.OnAuthorizationCodeReceived.</remarks>
public async Task<string> GetAccessTokenForUserAsync(
IEnumerable<string> scopes,
string? tenant = null,
string? userFlow = null,
ClaimsPrincipal? user = null)
AuthenticationResult result = await GetAuthenticationResultForUserAsync(scopes, tenant, userFlow, user).ConfigureAwait(false);
return result.AccessToken;

/// <summary>
/// Used in web APIs (no user interaction).
/// Replies to the client through the HTTP response by sending a 403 (forbidden) and populating the 'WWW-Authenticate' header so that
/// the client, in turn, can trigger a user interaction so that the user consents to more scopes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scopes">Scopes to consent to.</param>
/// <param name="msalServiceException">The <see cref="MsalUiRequiredException"/> that triggered the challenge.</param>
/// <param name="httpResponse">The <see cref="HttpResponse"/> to update.</param>
/// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
public async Task ReplyForbiddenWithWwwAuthenticateHeaderAsync(IEnumerable<string> scopes, MsalUiRequiredException msalServiceException, HttpResponse? httpResponse = null)
// A user interaction is required, but we are in a web API, and therefore, we need to report back to the client through a 'WWW-Authenticate' header
string proposedAction = Constants.Consent;
if (msalServiceException.ErrorCode == MsalError.InvalidGrantError)
if (AcceptedTokenVersionMismatch(msalServiceException))
throw msalServiceException;

_application = await GetOrBuildConfidentialClientApplicationAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

string consentUrl = $"{_application.Authority}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={_applicationOptions.ClientId}"
+ $"&response_type=code&redirect_uri={_application.AppConfig.RedirectUri}"
+ $"&response_mode=query&scope=offline_access%20{string.Join("%20", scopes)}";

IDictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ Constants.ConsentUrl, consentUrl },
{ Constants.Claims, msalServiceException.Claims },
{ Constants.Scopes, string.Join(",", scopes) },
{ Constants.ProposedAction, proposedAction },

string parameterString = string.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => $"{p.Key}=\"{p.Value}\""));

httpResponse ??= CurrentHttpContext?.Response;

if (httpResponse == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(IDWebErrorMessage.HttpContextAndHttpResponseAreNull);

var headers = httpResponse.Headers;
httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;

headers[HeaderNames.WWWAuthenticate] = new StringValues($"{Constants.Bearer} {parameterString}");

/// <summary>
/// Removes the account associated with context.HttpContext.User from the MSAL.NET cache.
/// </summary>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -377,7 +424,7 @@ public async Task RemoveAccountAsync(RedirectContext context)

/// <summary>
/// Creates an MSAL confidential client application if needed.
/// Creates an MSAL confidential client application, if needed.
/// </summary>
private async Task<IConfidentialClientApplication> GetOrBuildConfidentialClientApplicationAsync()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,6 +509,40 @@ private async Task<IConfidentialClientApplication> BuildConfidentialClientApplic

private async Task<AuthenticationResult?> GetAuthenticationResultForWebApiToCallDownstreamApiAsync(
IConfidentialClientApplication application,
string authority,
IEnumerable<string> scopes)
// In web API, validatedToken will not be null
JwtSecurityToken? validatedToken = CurrentHttpContext?.GetTokenUsedToCallWebAPI();

// Case of web APIs: we need to do an on-behalf-of flow, with the token used to call the API
if (validatedToken != null)
// In the case the token is a JWE (encrypted token), we use the decrypted token.
string tokenUsedToCallTheWebApi = validatedToken.InnerToken == null ? validatedToken.RawData
: validatedToken.InnerToken.RawData;
var result = await application
.AcquireTokenOnBehalfOf(scopes.Except(_scopesRequestedByMsal), new UserAssertion(tokenUsedToCallTheWebApi))
return result;

return null;
catch (MsalUiRequiredException ex)
_logger.LogInformation(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, LogMessages.ErrorAcquiringTokenForDownstreamWebApi, ex.Message));
throw ex;

/// <summary>
/// Gets an access token for a downstream API on behalf of the user described by its claimsPrincipal.
/// </summary>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,7 +585,7 @@ private async Task<AuthenticationResult> GetAuthenticationResultForWebAppWithAcc

/// <summary>
/// Gets an access token for a downstream API on behalf of the user which account is passed as an argument.
/// Gets an access token for a downstream API on behalf of the user whose account is passed as an argument.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="application"><see cref="IConfidentialClientApplication"/>.</param>
/// <param name="account">User IAccount for which to acquire a token.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -552,56 +633,6 @@ private async Task<AuthenticationResult> GetAuthenticationResultForWebAppWithAcc
return result;

/// <summary>
/// Used in web APIs (which therefore cannot have an interaction with the user).
/// Replies to the client through the HTTP response by sending a 403 (forbidden) and populating 'WWW-Authenticate' header so that
/// the client can trigger an interaction with the user so that the user consents to more scopes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scopes">Scopes to consent to.</param>
/// <param name="msalServiceException">The <see cref="MsalUiRequiredException"/> that triggered the challenge.</param>
/// <param name="httpResponse">The <see cref="HttpResponse"/> to update.</param>
/// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
public async Task ReplyForbiddenWithWwwAuthenticateHeaderAsync(IEnumerable<string> scopes, MsalUiRequiredException msalServiceException, HttpResponse? httpResponse = null)
// A user interaction is required, but we are in a web API, and therefore, we need to report back to the client through a 'WWW-Authenticate' header
string proposedAction = Constants.Consent;
if (msalServiceException.ErrorCode == MsalError.InvalidGrantError)
if (AcceptedTokenVersionMismatch(msalServiceException))
throw msalServiceException;

_application = await GetOrBuildConfidentialClientApplicationAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

string consentUrl = $"{_application.Authority}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={_applicationOptions.ClientId}"
+ $"&response_type=code&redirect_uri={_application.AppConfig.RedirectUri}"
+ $"&response_mode=query&scope=offline_access%20{string.Join("%20", scopes)}";

IDictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ Constants.ConsentUrl, consentUrl },
{ Constants.Claims, msalServiceException.Claims },
{ Constants.Scopes, string.Join(",", scopes) },
{ Constants.ProposedAction, proposedAction },

string parameterString = string.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => $"{p.Key}=\"{p.Value}\""));

httpResponse ??= CurrentHttpContext?.Response;

if (httpResponse == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(IDWebErrorMessage.HttpContextAndHttpResponseAreNull);

var headers = httpResponse.Headers;
httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;

headers[HeaderNames.WWWAuthenticate] = new StringValues($"{Constants.Bearer} {parameterString}");

private static bool AcceptedTokenVersionMismatch(MsalUiRequiredException msalServiceException)
// Normally app developers should not make decisions based on the internal AAD code
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -657,36 +688,5 @@ private static bool AcceptedTokenVersionMismatch(MsalUiRequiredException msalSer

return authority;

/// <summary>
/// Typically used from a web app or web API controller, this method retrieves an access token
/// for a downstream API using;
/// 1) the token cache (for web apps and web APis) if a token exists in the cache
/// 2) or the <a href=''>on-behalf-of flow</a>
/// in web APIs, for the user account that is ascertained from claims are provided in the <see cref="HttpContext.User"/>
/// instance of the current HttpContext.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scopes">Scopes to request for the downstream API to call.</param>
/// <param name="tenant">Enables overriding of the tenant/account for the same identity. This is useful in the
/// cases where a given account is a guest in other tenants, and you want to acquire tokens for a specific tenant, like where the user is a guest in.</param>
/// <param name="userFlow">Azure AD B2C user flow to target.</param>
/// <param name="user">Optional claims principal representing the user. If not provided, will use the signed-in
/// user (in a web app), or the user for which the token was received (in a web API)
/// cases where a given account is a guest in other tenants, and you want to acquire tokens for a specific tenant, like where the user is a guest in.</param>
/// <returns>An access token to call the downstream API and populated with this downstream API's scopes.</returns>
/// <remarks>Calling this method from a web API supposes that you have previously called,
/// in a method called by JwtBearerOptions.Events.OnTokenValidated, the HttpContextExtensions.StoreTokenUsedToCallWebAPI method
/// passing the validated token (as a JwtSecurityToken). Calling it from a web app supposes that
/// you have previously called AddAccountToCacheFromAuthorizationCodeAsync from a method called by
/// OpenIdConnectOptions.Events.OnAuthorizationCodeReceived.</remarks>
public async Task<string> GetAccessTokenForUserAsync(
IEnumerable<string> scopes,
string? tenant = null,
string? userFlow = null,
ClaimsPrincipal? user = null)
AuthenticationResult result = await GetAuthenticationResultForUserAsync(scopes, tenant, userFlow, user).ConfigureAwait(false);
return result.AccessToken;

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