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CodeGen from PR 18025 in Azure/azure-rest-api-specs
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Merge dee6d49fb592c0beb6f87d15230853982af40292 into 9be728717e3e81bd3d28566016e71d8f49a8e755
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SDKAuto committed Mar 7, 2022
1 parent f1f6bf9 commit 4872a1a
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Showing 24 changed files with 4,364 additions and 2,317 deletions.
169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions sdk/securityinsight/arm-securityinsight/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,174 @@
# Release History

## 1.0.0-beta.2 (2022-03-07)


- Added operation Incidents.runPlaybook
- Added Interface AutomationRulePropertyValuesCondition
- Added Interface AzureDevOpsResourceInfo
- Added Interface BookmarkEntityMappings
- Added Interface Deployment
- Added Interface DeploymentInfo
- Added Interface EntityFieldMapping
- Added Interface FusionScenarioExclusionPattern
- Added Interface FusionSourceSettings
- Added Interface FusionSourceSubTypeSetting
- Added Interface FusionSubTypeSeverityFilter
- Added Interface FusionSubTypeSeverityFiltersItem
- Added Interface FusionTemplateSourceSetting
- Added Interface FusionTemplateSourceSubType
- Added Interface FusionTemplateSubTypeSeverityFilter
- Added Interface GitHubResourceInfo
- Added Interface IncidentPropertiesAction
- Added Interface IncidentsRunPlaybookOptionalParams
- Added Interface ManualTriggerRequestBody
- Added Interface Office365ProjectConnectorDataTypes
- Added Interface OfficePowerBIConnectorDataTypes
- Added Interface PlaybookActionProperties
- Added Interface RepositoryResourceInfo
- Added Interface WatchlistsCreateOrUpdateHeaders
- Added Interface WatchlistsDeleteHeaders
- Added Interface Webhook
- Added Type Alias ActionType
- Added Type Alias AlertRuleTemplateWithMitreProperties
- Added Type Alias AutomationRulesDeleteResponse
- Added Type Alias ConditionType
- Added Type Alias DeploymentFetchStatus
- Added Type Alias DeploymentResult
- Added Type Alias DeploymentState
- Added Type Alias Enum12
- Added Type Alias IncidentsRunPlaybookResponse
- Added Type Alias IoTCheckRequirements
- Added Type Alias IoTDataConnector
- Added Type Alias IoTDataConnectorProperties
- Added Type Alias Office365ProjectCheckRequirements
- Added Type Alias Office365ProjectCheckRequirementsProperties
- Added Type Alias Office365ProjectConnectorDataTypesLogs
- Added Type Alias Office365ProjectDataConnector
- Added Type Alias Office365ProjectDataConnectorProperties
- Added Type Alias OfficePowerBICheckRequirements
- Added Type Alias OfficePowerBICheckRequirementsProperties
- Added Type Alias OfficePowerBIConnectorDataTypesLogs
- Added Type Alias OfficePowerBIDataConnector
- Added Type Alias OfficePowerBIDataConnectorProperties
- Added Type Alias PropertyConditionProperties
- Added Type Alias SourceType
- Added Type Alias ThreatIntelligenceResourceKindUnion
- Added Type Alias Version
- Added Type Alias WatchlistsDeleteResponse
- Interface AutomationRulesCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams has a new optional parameter automationRuleToUpsert
- Interface IncidentAdditionalData has a new optional parameter providerIncidentUrl
- Interface IncidentAdditionalData has a new optional parameter techniques
- Interface ScheduledAlertRuleCommonProperties has a new optional parameter alertDetailsOverride
- Interface ScheduledAlertRuleCommonProperties has a new optional parameter customDetails
- Interface ScheduledAlertRuleCommonProperties has a new optional parameter entityMappings
- Interface ScheduledAlertRuleCommonProperties has a new optional parameter query
- Interface ScheduledAlertRuleCommonProperties has a new optional parameter severity
- Interface WatchlistItemsListNextOptionalParams has a new optional parameter skipToken
- Interface WatchlistItemsListOptionalParams has a new optional parameter skipToken
- Interface WatchlistsListNextOptionalParams has a new optional parameter skipToken
- Interface WatchlistsListOptionalParams has a new optional parameter skipToken
- Add parameters of AlertRuleTemplateWithMitreProperties to TypeAlias MLBehaviorAnalyticsAlertRuleTemplateProperties
- Add parameters of AlertRuleTemplateWithMitreProperties to TypeAlias NrtAlertRuleTemplateProperties
- Add parameters of AlertRuleTemplateWithMitreProperties to TypeAlias ThreatIntelligenceAlertRuleTemplateProperties
- Type Alias Bookmark has a new parameter entityMappings
- Type Alias Bookmark has a new parameter tactics
- Type Alias Bookmark has a new parameter techniques
- Type Alias FusionAlertRule has a new parameter sourceSettings
- Type Alias FusionAlertRule has a new parameter scenarioExclusionPatterns
- Type Alias FusionAlertRule has a new parameter techniques
- Type Alias FusionAlertRuleTemplate has a new parameter techniques
- Type Alias FusionAlertRuleTemplate has a new parameter sourceSettings
- Type Alias MetadataModel has a new parameter customVersion
- Type Alias MetadataModel has a new parameter contentSchemaVersion
- Type Alias MetadataModel has a new parameter icon
- Type Alias MetadataModel has a new parameter threatAnalysisTactics
- Type Alias MetadataModel has a new parameter threatAnalysisTechniques
- Type Alias MetadataModel has a new parameter previewImages
- Type Alias MetadataModel has a new parameter previewImagesDark
- Type Alias MetadataPatch has a new parameter customVersion
- Type Alias MetadataPatch has a new parameter contentSchemaVersion
- Type Alias MetadataPatch has a new parameter icon
- Type Alias MetadataPatch has a new parameter threatAnalysisTactics
- Type Alias MetadataPatch has a new parameter threatAnalysisTechniques
- Type Alias MetadataPatch has a new parameter previewImages
- Type Alias MetadataPatch has a new parameter previewImagesDark
- Type Alias MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreationAlertRuleTemplateProperties has a new parameter displayNamesFilter
- Type Alias MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreationAlertRuleTemplateProperties has a new parameter displayNamesExcludeFilter
- Type Alias MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreationAlertRuleTemplateProperties has a new parameter productFilter
- Type Alias MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreationAlertRuleTemplateProperties has a new parameter severitiesFilter
- Type Alias MLBehaviorAnalyticsAlertRule has a new parameter techniques
- Type Alias MLBehaviorAnalyticsAlertRuleTemplate has a new parameter techniques
- Type Alias NrtAlertRule has a new parameter techniques
- Type Alias NrtAlertRuleTemplate has a new parameter techniques
- Type Alias ScheduledAlertRule has a new parameter techniques
- Type Alias ScheduledAlertRuleProperties has a new parameter alertRuleTemplateName
- Type Alias ScheduledAlertRuleProperties has a new parameter templateVersion
- Type Alias ScheduledAlertRuleProperties has a new parameter description
- Type Alias ScheduledAlertRuleProperties has a new parameter lastModifiedUtc
- Type Alias ScheduledAlertRuleProperties has a new parameter tactics
- Type Alias ScheduledAlertRuleProperties has a new parameter techniques
- Type Alias ScheduledAlertRuleProperties has a new parameter incidentConfiguration
- Type Alias ScheduledAlertRuleTemplate has a new parameter techniques
- Type Alias SourceControl has a new parameter version
- Type Alias SourceControl has a new parameter repositoryResourceInfo
- Type Alias SourceControl has a new parameter lastDeploymentInfo
- Type Alias ThreatIntelligenceAlertRule has a new parameter techniques
- Type Alias ThreatIntelligenceAlertRuleTemplate has a new parameter techniques
- Type Alias Watchlist has a new parameter sourceType
- Added Enum KnownActionType
- Added Enum KnownConditionType
- Added Enum KnownDeploymentFetchStatus
- Added Enum KnownDeploymentResult
- Added Enum KnownDeploymentState
- Added Enum KnownEnum12
- Added Enum KnownSourceType
- Added Enum KnownVersion
- Enum KnownAttackTactic has a new value ImpairProcessControl
- Enum KnownAttackTactic has a new value InhibitResponseFunction
- Enum KnownAttackTactic has a new value Reconnaissance
- Enum KnownAttackTactic has a new value ResourceDevelopment
- Enum KnownAutomationRulePropertyConditionSupportedProperty has a new value AlertProductNames
- Enum KnownAutomationRulePropertyConditionSupportedProperty has a new value IncidentLabel
- Enum KnownDataConnectorKind has a new value IOT
- Enum KnownDataConnectorKind has a new value Office365Project
- Enum KnownDataConnectorKind has a new value OfficePowerBI
- Enum KnownIncidentLabelType has a new value AutoAssigned
- Enum KnownKind has a new value AutomationRule
- Enum KnownKind has a new value AzureFunction
- Enum KnownKind has a new value LogicAppsCustomConnector

**Breaking Changes**

- Operation AutomationRules.createOrUpdate has a new signature
- Interface QueryBasedAlertRuleTemplateProperties no longer has parameter tactics
- Delete parameters of MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreationAlertRuleCommonProperties in TypeAlias MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreationAlertRuleTemplateProperties
- Delete parameters of AlertRuleTemplatePropertiesBase in TypeAlias MLBehaviorAnalyticsAlertRuleTemplateProperties
- Delete parameters of AlertRuleTemplatePropertiesBase in TypeAlias NrtAlertRuleTemplateProperties
- Delete parameters of QueryBasedAlertRuleProperties in TypeAlias ScheduledAlertRuleProperties
- Delete parameters of AlertRuleTemplatePropertiesBase in TypeAlias ThreatIntelligenceAlertRuleTemplateProperties
- Type Alias MLBehaviorAnalyticsAlertRuleTemplateProperties no longer has parameter tactics
- Type Alias ThreatIntelligenceAlertRuleTemplateProperties no longer has parameter tactics
- Type Alias Watchlist no longer has parameter watchlistItemsCount
- Type Alias ScheduledAlertRuleProperties has a new parameter displayName
- Type Alias ScheduledAlertRuleProperties has a new parameter enabled
- Type Alias ScheduledAlertRuleProperties has a new parameter suppressionDuration
- Type Alias ScheduledAlertRuleProperties has a new parameter suppressionEnabled
- Type Alias ThreatIntelligenceIndicatorModel has a new parameter kind
- Type Alias ThreatIntelligenceIndicatorModelForRequestBody has a new parameter kind
- Type Alias ThreatIntelligenceInformation has a new parameter kind
- Parameter displayName of Type Alias AutomationRule is now required
- Parameter order of Type Alias AutomationRule is now required
- Parameter triggeringLogic of Type Alias AutomationRule is now required
- Parameter actions of Type Alias AutomationRule is now required
- Removed Enum KnownAutomationRuleActionType
- Removed Enum KnownAutomationRuleConditionType
- Removed Enum KnownEnum8
- Removed Enum KnownSource
- Enum KnownIncidentLabelType no longer has value System

## 1.0.0-beta.1 (2022-01-19)

The package of @azure/arm-securityinsight is using our next generation design principles. To learn more, please refer to our documentation [Quick Start](
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions sdk/securityinsight/arm-securityinsight/_meta.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"commit": "1b0a465061c68175898f8f5d27f0301f42ce994c",
"commit": "ab91839ee39e330cc36eea9cf40986301b32e6c7",
"readme": "specification/securityinsights/resource-manager/",
"autorest_command": "autorest --version=3.7.3 --typescript --modelerfour.lenient-model-deduplication --head-as-boolean=true --license-header=MICROSOFT_MIT_NO_VERSION --generate-test --typescript-sdks-folder=D:\\mydev\\azure-sdk-for-js ../azure-rest-api-specs/specification/iotspaces/resource-manager/ --use=@autorest/typescript@6.0.0-alpha.16.20220114.1 --generate-sample=true",
"autorest_command": "autorest --version=3.7.3 --typescript --modelerfour.lenient-model-deduplication --head-as-boolean=true --license-header=MICROSOFT_MIT_NO_VERSION --generate-test --typescript-sdks-folder=/home/vsts/work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-js ../azure-rest-api-specs/specification/securityinsights/resource-manager/ --use=@autorest/typescript@6.0.0-alpha.16.20220105.1",
"repository_url": "",
"use": "@autorest/typescript@6.0.0-alpha.16.20220114.1"
"use": "@autorest/typescript@6.0.0-alpha.16.20220105.1"
25 changes: 19 additions & 6 deletions sdk/securityinsight/arm-securityinsight/api-extractor.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,31 @@
"$schema": "",
"mainEntryPointFilePath": "./dist-esm/src/index.d.ts",
"docModel": { "enabled": true },
"apiReport": { "enabled": true, "reportFolder": "./review" },
"docModel": {
"enabled": true
"apiReport": {
"enabled": true,
"reportFolder": "./review"
"dtsRollup": {
"enabled": true,
"untrimmedFilePath": "",
"publicTrimmedFilePath": "./types/arm-securityinsight.d.ts"
"messages": {
"tsdocMessageReporting": { "default": { "logLevel": "none" } },
"tsdocMessageReporting": {
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"ae-missing-release-tag": { "logLevel": "none" },
"ae-unresolved-link": { "logLevel": "none" }
"ae-missing-release-tag": {
"logLevel": "none"
"ae-unresolved-link": {
"logLevel": "none"
23 changes: 14 additions & 9 deletions sdk/securityinsight/arm-securityinsight/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,15 +4,23 @@
"author": "Microsoft Corporation",
"description": "A generated SDK for SecurityInsights.",
"version": "1.0.0-beta.1",
"engines": { "node": ">=12.0.0" },
"engines": {
"node": ">=12.0.0"
"dependencies": {
"@azure/core-paging": "^1.2.0",
"@azure/core-client": "^1.0.0",
"@azure/core-auth": "^1.3.0",
"@azure/core-rest-pipeline": "^1.1.0",
"tslib": "^2.2.0"
"keywords": ["node", "azure", "typescript", "browser", "isomorphic"],
"keywords": [
"license": "MIT",
"main": "./dist/index.js",
"module": "./dist-esm/src/index.js",
Expand All @@ -39,7 +47,9 @@
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"bugs": { "url": "" },
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"files": [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,10 +96,5 @@
"docs": "echo skipped"
"sideEffects": false,
"//metadata": {
"constantPaths": [
{ "path": "src/SecurityInsights.ts", "prefix": "packageDetails" }
"autoPublish": true

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