Here from LinkedIn? About me is here!
- keyb: A custom keyboard hook application.
- life: A personal "life dashboard" flutter app. 1
- yolol-ide: A VS Code extension adding yolol language support & tools. 1
- prec: A custom C pre-processor. 1
- os: An abstraction layer over Linux & Windows C apis. 1
- kc: Useful common C & K things
- ISAN: A Multilateration solution written in YOLOL for the Starbase game.
- Yimp: A custom toolchain for yolol projects, able to import into starbase.
- Yazur: A clientside YOLOL interpreter with multi-chip support.
- Ardunode: A Node module for rapid-setup packet based serial comms with embedded devices.
- Unix-Clock: UNIX Timestamp clock hardware & firmware solution using arduino.
- Snasm: The build up to the classic Snake game written in
x86ARMv6 assembly.
1These projects are currently private, viewable on request.
- Discord: Azurethi#0789
- Work emails:
- LinkedIn: azurethi
- Work Gitlab: lmcdermid
- Personal email:
- The Reseach & Development branch of the COLLECTIVE, a technocratic starbase faction.
- A reasearch organisation focused on the intricacies of Starbases' in-game programming language "YOLOL"