Drupal installation profile for B-Translator Client.
The codename B-Translator can be decoded like Bee Translator, since it aims at collecting very small translation contributions from a wide crowd of people and to dilute them into something useful.
It can also be decoded like Be Translator, as an invitation to anybody to give his small contribution for translating programs or making their translations better.
For more detailed information see: http://info.btranslator.org
Installation is done inside a Docker container. For instructions about installing Docker see: https://docs.docker.com/installation/
- Create a working directory:
mkdir workdir/
- Link the docker directory inside the working directory:
cd workdir/ ln -s ../btr_client/docker .
- Modify and customize the settings:
cp docker/settings.sh . vim settings.sh
- Build a Docker image:
docker/build.sh settings.sh tail -f logs/nohup-btr_client-master-20150929.out less -r logs/nohup-btr_client-master-20150929.out
This will create a docker image, named
with a minimal ubuntu system and everything that is needed for the normal work of the Drupal application. - Create a Docker container like this:
It will create a container with port forwarding like this:
-p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 2201:2201
. If you don’t like the default port forwarding, editconfig
and modify it, before creating the container. - Now you can start and stop the container with
, enter the shell of the container withdocker/enter.sh
, etc. - If
is set on the settings, then the code of the application inside the container will be linked to the directorybtr_client/
, so that you can edit and work on it easily. - If it is installed on a local machine (for testing or
development), add the domain name
, like this: example.org
This way it can be accessed by typing
on the browser location (nothttps://
An easier way to install is by using the script
which automates the steps above, with
certain conventions for directory names etc.
vim utils/docker-install.sh utils/docker-install.sh --bcl_domain=test.example.org or utils/docker-install.sh $(pwd)/settings.sh \ --git_branch=test --bcl_domain=test.example.org
This script also installs wsproxy, which allows to run more that one
containers with ports 80/443. For this to work, the variable ports
on config
is set to empty, so that docker does not forward the
ports 80 and 443 to the containers. The HTTP request forward to the
correct website container is handled by the wsproxy container,
based on the domain name.
NOTE: Although utils/docker-install.sh is handy for making a quick installation, it is highly recommended to read and understand this script, because this will be helpful for maintaining the installation. It is not so long and it is easy to understand.
To change the configuration of the server after it has been built, or in case of using a pre-built image, run:
docker/exec.sh install/config.sh
and give the new settings interactively.
Another option is to edit the configuration settings file and give it as a argument to the script:
docker/enter.sh cp install/settings.sh . vim settings.sh install/config.sh settings.sh
It is also possible to run configuration scripts individually, to change only certain configurations. For example:
docker/exec.sh install/config/domain.sh docker/exec.sh install/config/oauth2_login.sh
These scripts can be found on install/config/.
- Email: info@btranslator.org
- Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/b_translator
- Discussion group/forum
- Email: btranslator@googlegroups.com
- Web: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups&hl=en#!forum/btranslator
- Google+ Community: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109327047119841706609
- Chat/IRC: #btranslator on irc.freenode.net
- Misc
Sites using B-Translator:
- https://l10n.org.al - Albanian translations.
To install and setup your site you would need some basic skills on Ubuntu server administration and Drupal administration.