This repository contains all the code for a smart gardening glove designed by a group of students. In particular, the glove is to be controlled by an ESP32 and this repo contains the code for it.
To install the code on our own ESP32, you will, of course, need the arduino ESP32 core libraries and 3 additional external libraries namely:
- These libraries can be installed by cloning the repository, renaming the resulting folder (eg. SimpleCLI-master to SimpleCLI) and putting these folders in ~/Arduino/libraries. Now, the code will compile and can be uploaded to your ESP32.
The following is an explanation of the file structure and what goes where:
|- esp_glove # contains the code that is to be uploaded to the ESP32
|- nvs_erase # contains a simple piece of code that resets the flash memory of ESP32
|- web # Contains the source code for the web application
|- # This converts the files located in web/ to the single file esp_glove/webfiles.h