The Releases is used as archive, not newest code.
Please read the descriptions of settings before raising an issue.
you must wait 30-50s to make sure deploy READY after change config;
Vercel limit 100 deploy every day.
- Click the "+" or "Create Repl", click the
Import from Github
;- Input
in "GitHub URL", then it will auto show "Language" - "PHP Web Server", Click the "Import from Github";- After done, click the green button "Run", it will show the web page on the right, you MUST open it in a new tab or window.
- Click the "+" or "Create Repl", find template "PHP Web Server" (via input "php"), input a name for your project in "Title" or left it default, Click the "+ Create Repl".
- After done, input
git clone && mv -b OneManager-php/* ./ && mv -b OneManager-php/.[^.]* ./ && rm -rf *~ && rm -rf OneManager-php
to Console or Shell on the right, press "Enter" to run it.- Click the green button "Run", it will show the web page on the right, you MUST open it in a new tab or window.
Click the button(to Deploy a new app
"We couldn't deploy your app because the source code violates the Salesforce Acceptable Use and External-Facing Services Policy."
)Star this project, then Fork, create an app in Heroku, then turn to the Deploy tab, "Deployment method" via "Connect GitHub", select your github fork.
[New Project] -> [Import form Github] -> paste "" , after done, [Show] -> [In a New Window].
see CN readme.
see CN readme.
see CN readme.
see CN readme.
Start web service on your server (httpd or other), make sure you can visit it.
Install (or Enable) rewrite_module (or RewriteEngine, or URL_rewrite).
Upload code.
Make the rewrite works, the rule is in .htaccess file (IIS rule in web.config file), make sure any query redirect to index.php.
Change the file .data/config.php can be read&write (666 is suggested).
View the website in chrome or other.
When downloading files, the program produce a direct url, visitor download files from MS OFFICE via the direct url, the server expend a few bandwidth in produce.
When uploading files, the program produce a direct url, visitor upload files to MS OFFICE via the direct url, the server expend a few bandwidth in produce.
The XXX_path in setting is the path in Onedrive, not in url, program will find the path in Onedrive.
LOGO ICON: put your 'favicon.ico' in the path you showed, make sure can be visited.
Program will show content of '' & ''.
guest upload path, is a folder that the guest can upload files, but can not be list (exclude admin).
If there is 'index.html' file, program will only show the content of 'index.html', not list the files.
Click 'EditTime' or 'Size', the list will sort by time or size, Click 'File' can resume sort.
put it in the showing home folder of FIRST disk (maybe not root of onedrive).
show content of index.html as html.
it will showed at top or bottom as markdown.
it will showed at top or bottom as html (javascript works!).