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v6.11.0 - bug fixes

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@BBC-Esq BBC-Esq released this 08 Dec 16:27
· 14 commits to main since this release

Added/Removed Embedding Models

  • Added sentence-t5-xxl
    • Massive model specifically geared towards finding sentences as close as possible to the sentence you pose in your query.

Documentation Scraper

  • Better colors.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a huge bug with chat models that prevented them from working at all.
  • Fixed all sentence-t5 models from using way too much memory.


  • Improved the "chunks only" functionality and memory management in general.
  • Improved the layout of "chunks" returned when "chunks only" is selected.
  • Upgraded lots of dependencies.
  • Adjusted batch sizes for embedding models.

Upgrading from v6.9.x (will not work with prior versions):

To upgrade from a prior version without losing your databases, downloaded models, etc., do the following:

  • Download the source code for this release.
  • Take all files ending in .py and copy them, overwriting your pre-existing files. MAKE SURE and keep your current config.yaml.
  • Copy any files in the Assets folder and replace any ones in your current Assets folder.
  • Do the same for any files in the CSS folder.
  • Activate your virtual environment and run the following command to uninstall any & all dependencies.
    • pip freeze > requirements_uninstall.txt && pip uninstall -r requirements_uninstall.txt -y && del requirements_uninstall.txt
    • run python