New File: Create a new empty file.
Open File: Open an existing text file.
Save File: Save the current file.
Save As: Save the current file with a new name.
Cut, Copy, Paste: Perform standard text editing operations.
Undo, Redo: Undo or redo the last text editing action.
Text Formatting: Bold and italicize selected text.
Text Color: Change the color of the selected text.
Background Color: Change the background color of the text editor.
Status Bar: Provides information about the current status or operation.
File Menu
New: Clears the text editor for a new file.
Open: Opens an existing text file.
Save: Saves the current file.
Save As: Allows you to save the current file with a new name.
Close: Closes the text editor.
Edit Menu
Cut (Ctrl+X): Cuts the selected text.
Copy (Ctrl+C): Copies the selected text.
Paste (Ctrl+V): Pastes the copied/cut text.
Undo (Ctrl+Z): Undoes the last action.
Redo (Ctrl+R): Redoes the last undone action.
Colors Menu
Selected Text: Changes the color of the selected text.
All Text: Changes the color of all text in the editor.
Background: Changes the background color of the text editor.
Bold: Bolds the selected text.
Italics: Italicizes the selected text.
Color: Changes the color of the selected text.
Ensure you have Python installed on your machine. Run the script using the following command:
Tkinter: Standard GUI toolkit for Python.
The text editor supports common keyboard shortcuts for text editing operations.
The status bar provides information about the current state or operation.
The text editor is configured to work with text files, HTML files, and Python files.
Feel free to use, modify, and enhance this text editor according to your needs!