This library is used to expose our icons in Figma to all frontends that wish to use them.
We have a plugin in Figma, which is connected to the library and sets up a pull request when the version is changed.
Once the pull request has been merged, and the version has been bumped, GitHub actions are triggered to run through the deployment flow.
The deployment flow deploys the library to NPM under @bestseller/bestone-buying-icon-library as well as GitHub pages, so all the current icons can be viewed there.
To use the library locally, follow the steps below:
It's a repository froked from Figma Icon Automation Plugin.
Create a .env
in the root directory. Put your Figma file url and Figma token inside.
Run yarn fetch
to fetch SVG files from Figma file. This will pull your SVGs in ./src/svg/
Run yarn generate
to generate component files from SVG files. This will pull your component files in ./src/icons/
Run yarn dev
to develop the application in which you can see all icons.
Run yarn build
to build Pages.