JavaScript color manipulation library. It is a library that is designed and built to do everything you could ever want to do with a color in your browser.
This page is dedicated to everything development related. For documentation, please visit the js-colors website!
Since it's in bower, it is really simple.
bower install js-colors
If you don't want to use bower (even though it is really awesome), you can download a precompiled release directly from the js-colors website in the downloads section.
I love to have people help me write software. Please submit a pull request as long as the following is true:
- Code coverage is still at 100%
- You have at least one test for each bit of your added functionality
- You update the documentation accordingly
- It still passes eslint
If you can't meet (or don't know how) to satisfty the above conditions, don't worry, it's collaborative, we can do it together!
Install all of the dependencies (luckily npm makes this really easy)
npm install
Edit what you need to in colors.js
Make sure tests pass
karma start
Inspect code coverage report at: js-colors/coverage//index.html and make sure it is still at 100% across the board.
Make sure eslint passes
eslint colors.js
Submit your pull request
YAY! Thanks for contributing!
It's MIT License. Do whatever you want really. Though I do love to know who is using it so feel free to drop me a line!
I'd like to thank mexitek for the idea. You can find him at