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a GUI for yt-dlp written in Rust


2023-07-29_16-52_1 2023-07-29_16-49 2023-07-29_16-52



NixOS (Flake)

you can use the flake.nix in the repo

in your flake.nix:

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";

    ytdlp-gui = {
      url = "github:bksalman/ytdlp-gui";

    outputs = { nixpkgs, ytdlp-gui, ...}:
      system = "x86_64-linux";

      pkgs = import nixpkgs {
        inherit system;
        overlays = [

then you can add it as a normal package, either to your home-manager or nixosConfiguration


download the rpm package from the releases page then install it with sudo dnf localinstall <rpm_package_name>


download the deb package from the releases page then install it with sudo apt install ./<deb_package_name>


Available in the AUR ytdlp-gui

other distributions

1- download yt-dlp


      a- from your distribution repo

      b- or download the binary, then move it to your bin directory, and make it an executable by running chmod +x <bin_file>

2- download ffmpeg or ffmpeg-free from your distribution repos

3- download the ytdlp-gui binary from the realeases page


just download the zip file from the releases page, extract it in a subfolder and start the ytdlp-gui.exe

Build from source

to build from source you need to have cargo and rustc, you can install them through rustup (rust toolchain manager), or from your distribution repos, whatever you like

after that run the following commands:

# clone the repository to "ytdlp-gui" folder
git clone
# enter the folder
cd ytdlp-gui
# you can either build the project using this
cargo build
# or build it in release mode for better performance
cargo build -r

then the binary will be either in <project-root>/target/debug/ytdlp-gui or <project-root>/target/release/ytdlp-gui

and you can either run it directly:

# from project root

or using cargo:

cargo r
# or for release mode
cargo r -r


For v0.2.2+ the application saves configuration in the default config directory for the respective platform/OS in <config_dir>/ytdlp-gui/config.toml

the default file looks like this:

# Optional
# This is the directory of the bin, not the bin itself
# bin_path = "<some_cool_path>" # (0.2.4)

bin_dir = "<some_cool_path>" # (0.2.5+) if not set the command will be `yt-dlp <app_args>`

# Optional
download_folder = "<some_cool_path>" # default = "~/Videos"

video_resolution = "FullHD" # options: "Sd" "Hd" "FullHD" "TwoK" "FourK"
video_format = "Mp4" # options: "Mp4" "Mkv" "Webm"
audio_quality = "Good" # options: "Best" "Good" "Medium" "Low"
audio_format = "Mp3" #  options: "Mp3" "Wav" "Vorbis" "M4a" "Opus"

Note: the quality/format options get automatically saved when pressing the download button


All contribution forms are welcomed, whether it's Pull requests, Issues (bug reports/enhancement requests)

However, I might not be quick to reply to them, or implement the requested stuff, since I'm focusing on other things

But I will do my best 👍