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Borderlands 3 Contribution

CJ Kucera edited this page Aug 28, 2022 · 8 revisions

This is a guide to help new users contribute to the bl3mods mod repository.

1. Make sure your mod is set up to be included in the BL3 ModCabinet wiki

The raw github checkout is a little difficult for users to find mods on, since they're only organized by user. So, we've got a BL3 ModCabinet wiki which is organized in a way that should be much easier for users to find what they're using for. That wiki is auto-updated every ten minutes, and if you're checking your mod into the bl3mods repo, it will automatically get picked up so long as it meets some criteria.

The Contributing to BL3 ModCabinet page has all of the information about ways to control how your mod shows up in the cabinet, but there's only a couple of hard dependencies:

  1. Your mod must have a .bl3hotfix file extension
  2. In the comments at the very top of the file, your mod must contain the following fields:
  • @title
  • @author
  • @categories
  • @license
  1. The list of valid categories can be found on the Mod Categories page.

For instance, here's the header from Apocalyptech's Cheaper SDUs mod:

@title Cheaper SDUs
@version 1.0.0
@author Apocalyptech
@categories cheat, economy

@license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

This step is optional -- if you don't care about having your mod in the ModCabinet, you can feel free to format it however you like.

If you want to specify contact information, you can use the label @contact, @contact-email, or @contact-discord, or any combination of those. Keep in mind that this information will be posted on the wiki, so only put contact info in there that you're comfortable being public!

2. Create a personal fork of the main repository

This only needs to be done once, when you first start modding. Create a personal "Fork" of the BLCM/bl3mods repository (top right). Creating a Fork

3. Create your user directory (and your first file)

This only needs to be done once, when you first start modding. You need to create a new directory with your desired username. The only real way to do this is with the "Create new file" button, so you can't use the "Upload files" button here. Make sure you're on your own personal fork while you do this:

Create New File button

At the next screen, you need to type in your username followed by a /, and the page will automatically know that you're talking about a new directory, like so:

Creating a New Directory

You can either paste your new mod directly into the box, or just put in a temporary file.

4. Upload any other files to your own fork

Once you have your directory in place, on your personal fork, you can use the Upload files button to upload files directly into your user folder:

Upload Files

If you have a lot of mods, it might make sense to organize your mods into subfolders. To create new folders, you'll have to use Create new file like you did originally, and use / when typing in the filename to create a new directory. That way you can use Your Name/Mod Name/mod.txt instead of Your Name/mod.txt.

5. Submit a "Pull Request" to pull your changes into the main repository

  • While still on your personal fork, send a Pull Request to Compare merge your fork to the master branch. Creating a Pull Request
  • Make sure that the branch of your fork that you wish to submit (#1) on the right side is correct, and BLCM/bl3mods master branch is on the left, then submit the request (#2). Confirming the Pull Request
  • Then wait for someone on BLCM to accept, merge and commit your request for you, if it takes more than a week feel free to ping someone on the discord to let them know that you've been waiting an extended period of time for a pull request.

  • This is NOT permission to ping someone as soon as you send a pull request, remember that not everyone is on discord/Github 24/7, it will take some time regardless if you ping someone or not, and will be seemingly random at times, so please be patient when waiting for approval.
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