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Enemy Equips: All World Drops

CJ Kucera edited this page Jan 26, 2023 · 8 revisions

Enemy Equips: All World Drops

Author: Apocalyptech


Last Updated: August 01, 2022

Most Recent Version: 1.0.0

In Categories: Enemy Changes, Other Gameplay Changes

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Enemy Equips: All World Drops
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This is a collection of mods which alter the weapons that most enemies in the game have equipped. The default equip pools for most BL3 enemies are custom-built Balances which the game's AI is presumably well-suited to using. These mods switch those over to using various of the world-drop pools instead, so there should be a greater variety of weapons being used by enemies, though in some cases, the enemies won't really know how to use the gear effectively. For instance, an enemy with a Cutsman sounds like a dangerous proposition, but it seems that the AI has a bit of trouble aiming properly with it.

Note that enemies which have custom equip weapons already have not been touched by this. For example, Holder (in The Anvil) is set to use a Fingerbiter -- he'll continue to do so. Some bosses have very custom weapons defined, such as a lot of the Eridian enemies, etc, and those are also left alone. Melee-only enemies, of course, are also excluded. See below for a list of elemental-weapon-locked enemies who are also excluded, just 'cause it seems like too much work to support that at the moment.

There are currently five variants available:

  1. All World Drops - This is my own preferred version to use, and sets most enemies to pull from the main weapon drop pool. This will mean an increased number of enemies who are using sniper rifles and heavy weapons, so watch out for that! When used in conjunction with a mod like Better Loot, this will probably result in a harder game, since the average enemy weapon stats will likely be higher. In Normal at low levels, it might actually result in an easier game -- using Early Bloomer along with this mod is recommended, if you're using it in the early game. Note that enemies who were already set to use Heavy Weapons or Snipers will continue to be locked to those weapon types, and Shotgun Tinks will continue to always have shotguns.
  2. Typelocked World Drops - This is similar to All World Drops, except that enemies will still always have the same type of weapon that they would have ordinarily. So SMG-using enemies will always still have an SMG, etc. The notes about Better Loot, Early Bloomer, and sniper/heavy/shotgun-tink enemies apply here as well.
  3. Legendaries (all) - Enemies will use legendary weapons. Intended mostly as a joke, but might be fun anyway. Recommended to use along with my Expanded Legendary Pools mod, for maximum Fun.
  4. Legendaries (typelocked) - Enemies will use legendary weapons, but will always have the same type of weapon that they would have ordinarily. SMG-using enemies will only have legendary SMGs, for instance. Also recommended to be used along with Expanded Legendary Pools.
  5. All The Shoddy - Everyone uses The Shoddy. Want to have a pretty darn easy time? This is the one for you.

There are a handful of characters throughout the game who are set to use elemental-locked versions of weapons, and at the moment I have not touched any of them. So these enemies will continue to have their usual equipped weapons:

  • Desperado Rider / Outlaw Rider
  • Ethereal Malech
  • Festering Goliath
  • Honcho Rider / Hoss Rider
  • Malech
  • Poke Rider / Rustler Rider
  • Roaster
  • Sheega
  • The Tenderizer

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

Sets nearly all enemies to use the world drop pools to define the
weapons they equip.  Mods which increase drop quality will result
in more powerful enemies, and enemies using sniper rifles and
heavy weapons will become more frequent.  It's recommended to use
my Early Bloomer mod if using this in the early game.

Does not affect unique-gear-using enemies, elemental-gear-locked
enemies, melee-only enemies, or enemies with extremely customized
weapons (such as Eridians, etc).

Generated by

BPChar Pool Injections (for the few BPChars which need it)


Aug 1, 2022 (no version number change)

v1.0.0 - Jun 18, 2021

  • Initial Release
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