The script will require a VPS or VDS server with a minimum version of Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS for stable operation of the program.
After authorization on the server, clone the repository to the /home
Install git:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install git -y
You can confirm that you have installed Git correctly by running the following command and checking that you receive relevant output.
git --version
Go to your home directory and clone the repository:
cd ~/home
git clone
Check the version of node.js installed on the server:
node -v
If the version is lower than v18.20.6, then you need to update the node:
sudo apt install -y curl
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs
Installing project dependencies and playwright:
cd UMTE-Calendar/
npm i && npx playwright install && npx playwright install-deps
In the UMTE-Calendar directory you need to create a .env
file containing the credentials for
Using pm2 to run the script. PM2 is a daemon process manager that will help you manage and keep your application online.
The latest PM2 version is installable with NPM:
npm install pm2@latest -g
Action | Description | Command |
Start Process | Start the app with the name UMTE-schedule using all CPU cores |
npm run start |
Script in package.json : |
"start": "npm run build && pm2 start build/index.js --name UMTE-schedule --time -i max" |
Stop Process | Stop the running process | npm run stop |
Script in package.json : |
"stop": "pm2 stop UMTE-schedule" |
Reload Process | Reload the process without downtime | npm run reload |
Script in package.json : |
"reload": "pm2 reload UMTE-schedule" |
Delete Process | Remove the process from PM2 | npm run delete |
Script in package.json : |
"delete": "pm2 delete UMTE-schedule" |
Action | Description | Command |
List Processes | Display all running processes | pm2 list |
Detailed Information | Show detailed information about the process | pm2 describe UMTE-schedule |
Real-Time Monitoring | Monitor system resources and processes in real-time | pm2 monit |
Action | Description | Command |
View All Logs | Show all logs | pm2 logs |
View Process Logs | View logs for a specific process | pm2 logs UMTE-schedule |
View Errors | Show only error logs | pm2 logs --err |
Clear Logs | Clear all logs | pm2 flush |
Action | Description | Command |
Enable Auto Start | Set up auto start for processes on server reboot | pm2 startup |
Save Process List | Save the current process list for auto start | pm2 save |
Action | Description | Command |
Reload Single Process | Reload the process after code changes | pm2 reload UMTE-schedule |
Reload All Processes | Reload all running processes | pm2 reload all |
After running the script, a calendar.ics
file will appear in the /UMTE-Calendar/calendar
directory, which will contain a calendar that can be used for various purposes.
First, install nginx:
sudo apt install nginx -y
Create a symbolic link to the calendar.ics
file in a directory accessible to nginx. Run the following command:
sudo ln -s /home/UMTE-Calendar/calendar/calendar.ics /var/www/html/calendar.ics
Open the nginx configuration file for editing:
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
To serve then calendar.ics
file, you need to modify the configuration:
server {
listen 80;
server_name; # Replace with your domain or IP address
location /calendar.ics {
root /var/www/html;
autoindex on;
Explanation of the configuration:
listen 80;
: Tells nginx to listen on port 80 (HTTP).server_name;
: Replace with your actual domain or IP address.location /calendar.ics { ... }
: This block tells nginx how to handle requests for the filecalendar.ics
.root /var/www/html;
: This specifies the root directory where nginx will look for files. Since we created a symbolic link earlier, nginx will find the filecalendar.ics
here.autoindex on;
: Enables directory listing, allowing you to see files in the directory if needed.
After making the changes, you need to save the file and exit nano:
- Press
Ctrl + O
to save the file. - Press
to confirm the file name. - Press
Ctrl + X
to exit the editor.
After modifying the configuration file, you must restart nginx to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl restart nginx
To check if nginx is serving the calendar.ics
file, use the curl command. Replace
with your domain or IP address:
curl -o - -I
If the file is being served correctly, you will see this response. If the file isn't accessible, double-check that nginx is running, the configuration is correct, and that the file exists at /var/www/html/calendar.ics
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
Now, the file calendar.ics
should be available at