Implementation of the Dixon B0 self-navigator to perform respiratory motion estimation in liver Look-Locker T1 mapping using a radial stack-of stars trajectory.
- Julia (v1.11 recommended)
- Mamba package manager (for Python dependencies)
Clone the repo and run setup script:
git clone
cd B0nav-LL
The script creates a new Mamba environment with the Python dependencies and configures the executable Python file from this environment as the Python path for PyCall.jl. An argument can be passed to the script to change the name of the Mamba environment (default: B0nav-LL).
Run the Pluto programming environment and open the notebooks (theory_simulation.jl, invivo_example.jl) directly in your browser:
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate("."); using Pluto;'
An example in vivo dataset for running the B0 navigator and motion estimation algorithms are provided in /data.
Median B0 variation amplitude
Maximum B0 variation amplitude
This project is licensed as given in the LICENSE file. However, used submodules / projects may be licensed differently. Please see the respective licenses.