v0.3.10 (2019-08-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- [minidlna] Fix foreground process and remove debug output #88
- [rsyslog] Separate rsyslog image #85
- [s3sync] Add SYNCEXTRA environment variable #87 (sven-codeculture)
Closed issues:
- Why do we install haveged? #86
v0.3.9 (2019-06-01)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- [rsyslog] Make entrypoint executable #84
v0.3.8 (2019-05-14)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- [minidlna] Fix usage example #77 (F1uxCapacitor)
v0.3.7 (2018-10-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Push latest with tags #76
- Use bash strict mode in all hooks #75
- Improve hooks #74
- Improve release script #73
- Add release and docker scripts #72
- [puppetserver] Use a conditional in Puppet Server for PuppetDB #71
- [backup | s3sync] Add support for S3 Server Side Encryption (SSE-KMS) #69
- Clean up health check logs #61
Fixed bugs:
- Fix Puppet packages #70
v0.3.6 (2018-08-17)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
v0.3.5 (2018-07-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Multiple "media_dir" configuration not supported in MiniDLNA container #63
- Nest Puppet repositories #59
- add multiple entrypoint support - fixes #63 #64 (cwoac)
Fixed bugs:
- [backup] Do not daemonize NTP #60
Closed issues:
v0.3.4 (2018-02-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Improve idempotency and minor updates #57
- [r10k] Add curl #56
- [r10k] Allow post run hook #55
- Upgrade Puppet Agent #54
- Brake dependencies between base images #52
- Improve testing #51
- [backup] Add time zone and time server configuration #50
Fixed bugs:
- [r10k] Fix start-up issues #53
v0.3.3 (2018-01-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- [backup] Avoid writing temporary files to disk #49
- [backup] Mount readonly backup folders #48
- [backup] Improve trap functions #47
- [puppetserver] Move storeconfigs and reports to the master section #46
- [backup] Do not wait for the backup to finish in order to install cron #45
Fixed bugs:
- Do not log S3 copy and sync progress #44
v0.3.2 (2017-12-23)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
v0.3.1 (2017-10-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Backup: Allow GPG public key importing from multiple URLs #38
- Allow multiple GPG recipients #37
- Upgrade Tini #36
- Allow GPG passphrase from environment variable or Docker Secret #34
v0.3.0 (2017-08-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- Improve Backup image #35
- Backup image should allow file decryption through standard input #33
- Update README #31
- Update Puppet Agent to 5.1.0 #29
- Add Hiera EYaml to the Puppet Server image #28
- Move MicroBadger tokens to .env #26
- Upgrade Tini #25
- Upgrade Puppet Agent #24
- Improve symmetric encryption algorithm #23
- Remove ASCII-armored format for the encrypted files #22
- Remove hardcoded AWS credentials location #20
- Set a very restrictive umask #27 (vladgh)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix GPG key importing from folder #32
- Prefix gets doubled when restoring a backup so archive not copied #30
v0.2.6 (2017-07-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Adhere to recommended community standards #21
- Use the new Puppet rolling repos #19
- Allow restore single file from backup #18
Fixed bugs:
- Backup restore doesn't work #17
v0.2.5 (2017-06-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Refactor Backup image for Docker Swarm secrets #15
- Use the voxpupuli configuration for Puppet Board #13
- Upgrade to Alpine 3.6 #12
- Add health check to the PuppetDB #11
- Add support for Docker Swarm secrets to the backup image #16 (vladgh)
- Refactor S3Sync to allow Docker Swarm secrets #14 (vladgh)
- Add PuppetBoard base image #9 (vladgh)
Fixed bugs:
v0.2.4 (2017-04-27)
v0.2.3 (2017-04-27)
v0.2.2 (2017-04-25)
v0.2.1 (2017-04-16)
v0.2.0 (2017-04-14)
v0.1.1 (2017-04-01)
v0.1.0 (2017-04-01)
v0.0.10 (2017-03-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- When you set a WATCHDIR in s3sync it still tries to sync from S3 to /sync on startup #7
v0.0.9 (2017-03-25)
v0.0.8 (2017-03-20)
v0.0.7 (2017-03-10)
v0.0.6 (2017-03-05)
v0.0.5 (2017-01-22)
v0.0.4 (2017-01-09)
v0.0.3 (2017-01-08)
v0.0.2 (2017-01-08)
v0.0.1 (2016-12-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add metadata #6
Closed issues:
- Create build hooks #5
- Add rubycritic and reek #4
- Prefix the logs for s3sync with date #3
- Use alpine base images #2
Merged pull requests:
- Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md #1 (gitter-badger)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator