bmapper is an API for the berkeleymapper application and can be extended for use in other applications.
Instructions for using bmapper are found in the wiki
All external libraries are controlled by gradle, so to get started, you need to just:
git clone {this_repo}
# install gradle if you have not done so, then...
gradle build
# source ~/.profile (or ~/.bashrc)
The gradle build process will create a WAR file called dist/berkeleymapper.war
There is a file called config.props which you can create by copying the file config.props.template
Certain connections require importing certificate to allow 3rd party access: First, obtain an exported copy of certificate. (On chrome, developer tools->security) Second, import into keystore using the keytool program
keytool -import -alias example -keystore /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts -file {FILEAME}
Note that cert files are stored in ~jdeck/certs