tpc-rs is a C++ library to simulate and digitize the signal produced by charged particles traversing the sensitive volume of a Time Projection Chamber (TPC).
If you find this project helpful please consider starring the tpc-rs repository on github. In case you use this library in your research please cite the specific version as
Dmitri Smirnov. (<release date>). Time Projection Chamber Response Simulator
(Version vX.Y.Z).
Building the library from source is fairly straightforward. The only external dependency is ROOT which is assumed to be available on the system.
git clone
cd tpc-rs && mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
cmake --build . -- install
Additional arguments to the cmake
command can be provided to customize the
installation if the default ones do not meet your project/system requirements.
Here is a few commonly used CMake options:
can be absolute or relative. One can specify it to distinguish between
different build types and/or versions, e.g.
or ${HOME}/tpc-rs-XYZ-Release-x86_64
with <build_type>
being one of Debug
, RelWithDebInfo
, or Release
skips building of the tests.
To use an installed tpcrs
library in another CMake project just include the
following in your CMakeLists.txt:
find_package(tpcrs [major.minor] [EXACT] [REQUIRED])
target_link_libraries(<your_target> tpcrs)
A complete but very basic example demonstrating this is available in
. It can be compiled and executed by doing the following:
cd tpc-rs/example/ && mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
cmake --build .
simple -c starY15_pp200b.yaml -f ../simple_simulated_hits.dat
Note that depending on where the tpcrs
library was installed you may need to
help CMake to find the tpcrs-config.cmake
file by setting
to the appropriate location, e.g.:
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path/to/installed/share/tpc-rs-X.Y.Z>
Once the source code is built one can execute basic tests to verify the
integrity and performance of the library. For that purpose, a reference file is
provided with a pre-generated input and the corresponding output from the main
conversion routine.
cd tpc-rs/build
ctest -R quick
ctest -R long
Note that the tests currently use reference values obtained with ROOT5 libraries and therefore, will fail if linked against ROOT6.
The TPC detector geometry is assumed to have a cylindrical shape constructed out of trapezoidal sectors oriented along the main axis. The entire volume is split in the middle into two halves by a central membrane. Each sector has sensitive readout elements, pads, assembled in rows on the outside planes of the sectors. A set of sector, row, and pad numbers compose a hardware address which in combination with the timing information can be used to measure spatial coordinates of interactions occurring within the TPC volume.
struct DigiChannel
unsigned int sector : 5, row : 7, pad : 10, timebin : 10;
The output of the TPC response simulator needs to resemble the data coming from
real measurements. In the simplest case the output is just a collection of ADC
values associated with corresponding digitization channels. In case of
zero-suppressed channels, the ADC values can be indexed by DigiChannel
shown below for DigiHit
struct DigiHit
DigiChannel channel;
int adc;
The main response simulator routine expects a list of simulated hits with the following data members:
struct SimulatedHit
int track_id; /// Unique id of the particle/track produced this hit
int particle_id; /// Physical particle id, e.g. GEANT particle id
int volume_id; /// Volume id packed as a four digit decimal number SSRR, SS = sector, RR = pad row
double x[3]; /// Position of the simulated hit, i.e. where the particle crosses the center of a pad row layer
double p[3]; /// Local particle momentum at point x
double de; /// Energy deposited by the particle within pad row boundaries
double ds; /// Path length within pad row boundaries
double s; /// Distance along the track from the origin to the point x. Used in hit ordering
double tof; /// Time of flight up to the point x including the track origin production time
float lgam; /// log_10(E_kin/mass) -- deprecated
Currently, the simulated hits must be sorted by sector, track id, and the distance to the track origin in order to insure that the simulated hits are grouped according to their parent tracks.
For all generated particles path segments are built around the simulated hits after applying all distortion and misalignment effects. The boundaries of pad row layers define the start and end points of each segment.
The path of a particle within the pad row layer is simulated by stepping along the helix specified by the position and the momentum at the distorted hit. The total number of steps, N, and their sizes, ds_i, are defined by a stochastic model describing the production of primary electrons with the particle parameters adjusted accordingly at every step.
Based on the energy of each primary electron secondary electrons are generated in turn according to a stochastic distribution. The secondary electrons are then transported to the readout plane taking into account the transverse and longitudinal diffusions effects. The algorithm identifies the pads receiving the charge spread among multiple rows and pads from each electron. The amount of charge deposited in each pad is corrected based on empirical coupling distributions in transverse and longitudinal directions. Finally, the charges from all electrons are combined and assigned to individual digitization channels.