is a Python package that implements circuit instantiation and simulation to accelerate BQSKit.
You can often install bqskitrs
via PyPi with pip
pip install bqskitrs
this will use pre-built wheels. Sometimes wheels are not available, so you must build from source.
It's best to build and install the manylinux version with the provided docker container:
git clone --recursive
cd bqskitrs
docker run -e OPENBLAS_ARGS="DYNAMIC_ARCH=1" --rm -v $(pwd):/io edyounis/bqskitrs-manylinux:1.1 build --release --features=openblas --compatibility=manylinux2014
pip install --no-index --find-links=target/wheels bqskitrs
Make sure the version of pip you have is at least 20.0.2.
You can check via pip -V
and upgrade via python3 -m pip install -U pip
First, install the dependencies. We use homebrew here, which is what we build the official package against.
brew install gcc ceres-solver eigen lapack
Once that is complete you should then install Rust like as follows:
curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y
Then clone and enter enter the bqskitrs
git clone --recursive
cd bqskitrs
Then build the wheel (package file) with maturin:
pip install -U setuptools wheel maturin
maturin build --features="accelerate" --release
If you encounter issues on an intel x86 Mac computer with a message like "rust failed to run custom build command for cxx', you may need to run the following build command instead:
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=11.0 maturin build --features="accelerate"
Finally install the wheel that you built:
pip install --no-index --find-links=target/wheels bqskitrs
Once it is done installing the wheel, verify that the installation succeeded by running
python3 -c 'import bqskitrs'
It should not print anything out nor give any error.
Make sure the version of pip you have is at least 20.0.2.
You can check via pip -V
and upgrade via python3 -m pip install -U pip
Download and install rust via the installer found at Accept all of the defaults.
Close your shell and open a new one (this updates the enviroment).
Then install cargo-vcpkg
, which will help install dependencies for us. You can install it via
cargo install cargo-vcpkg
is installed with Rust so this should "just work".
Then clone and enter enter the bqskitrs
git clone --recursive
cd bqskitrs
Then build the dependencies with vcpkg.
cargo vcpkg build
This will take quite a while.
Then build the wheel (package file) with maturin:
python -m pip install maturin
python -m maturin build --interpreter $(which python) --features="openblas,openblas-src/system" --release
Finally install the wheel that you built:
pip install --no-index --find-links=target/wheels bqskitrs
Once it is done installing the wheel, verify that the installation succeeded by running
python3 -c 'import bqskitrs'
It should not print anything out nor give any error.