Mostly a note to self, in case I hit my head someday.
This dotfiles repo is managed using GNU stow. In order to get started with using my configs for the software listed below, you can simply:
- Clone this repo into your home directory
- From within the cloned repo, run:
stow calcurse
for setting up the symlinks for calcurse. Replace as necessary.stow *
for setting up all the symlinks.
- Profit!
I use the following pieces of software. Might be useful to you too:
- dunst
- dynamic menu
- dynamic window manager
- feh, for setting the wallpaper
- neovim
- suckless image viewer
- suckless status
- suckless terminal
- tmux
- zathura, for all-things PDF and more!
- zsh
- bat
- exa
- fontpreview-ueberzug
- fzf
- sheldon for managing zsh plugins
- fast-syntax-highlighting
- gitstatus
- LS_COLORS, although this is setup a little differently. See the note below.
- timer
- z
Note for LS_COLORS: Since this plugin doesn't play well with
rossmacarthur/sheldon, it is sourced according to the instructions on
the repo. However, since this plugin is updated semi-frequently, updates
aren't really necessary (although you could setup a cron
job to git pull
and check anyways)
The following is purely eye candy.
- picom (yshui's fork), for window fading, blur & transparency.
- Fonts:
- Julia Mono, used majorly for code.
- FiraCode Nerd Font, for the status bar.
- FiraMono Nerd Font, alternative monospace font.
- JoyPixels, for those sweet, sweet emojis.
- Wallpapers