Written by Joshua Monson for the ARCLITE Lab, Brigham Young University.
sbt (http://www.scala-sbt.org/)
This is an sbt project so all you'll need to do is run sbt from the project directory, then run the command:
Run the sbt command:
This will show you the usage:
ARCLITE Dictionary Tool
Usage: create [dictionarySet]
Usage: test [dictionarySet] [dictionary] [entries ...]
The following are the available dictionary sets:
giovanni -- The dictionaries provided by Giovanni
So to create the Giovanni dictionaries you would execute the following sbt command:
run create giovanni
It is expected that the dictionary text files will be placed under the following directory:
They are not included for space reasons. It looks for the following Giovanni dictionary text files in that folder:
- GEN-EF-pos.txt
- GEN-EG-pos.txt
- GEN-EI-pos.txt
The generated dictionaries will be saved to files in this folder.