This repo shows some of the capabilities of the different JetBrains products. Many of them work for all of them, some are only available for certain products.
To jump directly to places where you can use the feature, AsciiDoc include macros are used.
For that to work well, you need the AsciiDoc Plugin.
Then you can use Ctrl+click (or Command+Click) to jump to the tag.
To use JetBrains products, you don’t need to know all the shortcuts. But one shortcut to start would be good: Shift + Shift opens the search all box, where you can search in the actions, symbols, files etc. Then, you can type the action you want to execute, and execute the action with enter.
To know what you may want to optimize you can use the "Productivity Guide".
Full screen mode
Distraction free mode
Presentation mode
Zen mode
Compact mode
Jump to File/Class/Symbol
Use Shift+Shift
Open Recent Files
Use action "Recent Files" or press Ctrl+E
Analyze variable
Analyze parameter
Show context info
Go to Declaration
Go to Usages
Go to test (or create test)
File Structure
Type Hierarchy
Method Hierarchy
Call Hierarchy (Ctrl + alt + H)
Compare with clipboard
Open blank diff window
Use the action "Open blank diff window" And diff the following 2 files:
Go to Line
Use action "Go to Line:Column" or press Ctrl+G
Show Context Actions
Paste from History
Use the action "Paste from History" to paste or press Ctrl + Shift + V
Introduce (Extract) variable
Introduce (Extract) field
Introduce (Extract) constant
Extract method
Introduce (Extract) Parameter
Extract delegate
Inline (Constant, Field, Variable, Method)
The inverse of the Extract and Introduce actions above. Use the action "Inline…" and the IDE will guess what you want to inline.
Complete Statement
Override Methods
Shortcut for "Generate" when overriding methods.
Implement Methods
Shortcut for "Generate" when overriding methods.
Extend Selection
Safe Delete
Save as live template
Insert live template
Surround with live template
Comment with line comment
Comment with block comment
Auto format
Refactor this
Change Signature
Run Shift + f10
Debug Shift + f9
Run run configuration (alt + shift + f10)
Debugging process
Compare with branch
Compare with local
Compare with branch
Reword F2
Window Management Version control grouping Window to bottom