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A rewriting web proxy for testing interactions between your browser and external sites. Works with ruby + rspec.


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Puffing Billy

A rewriting web proxy for testing interactions between your browser and external sites. Works with ruby + rspec.

Puffing Billy is like webmock or VCR, but for your browser.


Billy spawns an EventMachine-based proxy server, which it uses to intercept requests sent by your browser. It has a simple API for configuring which requests need stubbing and what they should return.

Billy lets you test against known, repeatable data. It also allows you to test for failure cases. Does your twitter (or facebook/google/etc) integration degrade gracefully when the API starts returning 500s? Well now you can test it!

it 'should stub google' do
  proxy.stub('').and_return(:text => "I'm not Google!")
  visit ''
  page.should have_content("I'm not Google!")

You can also record HTTP interactions and replay them later. See caching below.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'puffing-billy'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install puffing-billy

RSpec Usage

In your spec_helper.rb:

require 'billy/rspec'

# select a driver for your chosen browser environment
Capybara.javascript_driver = :selenium_billy
# Capybara.javascript_driver = :webkit_billy
# Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist_billy

In your tests:

# Stub and return text, json, jsonp (or anything else)
proxy.stub('').and_return(:text => 'Foobar')
proxy.stub('').and_return(:json => { :foo => 'bar' })
proxy.stub('').and_return(:jsonp => { :foo => 'bar' })
  :headers => { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*' },
  :json    => { :foo => 'bar' }
proxy.stub('').and_return(:body => 'WTF!?', :content_type => 'text/wtf')

# Stub redirections and other return codes
proxy.stub('').and_return(:redirect_to => '')
proxy.stub('').and_return(:code => 404, :body => 'Not found')

# Even stub HTTPS!
proxy.stub('').and_return(:text => 'secrets!!1!')

# Pass a Proc (or Proc-style object) to create dynamic responses.
# The proc will be called with the following arguments:
#   params:  Query string parameters hash, CGI::escape-style
#   headers: Headers hash
#   body:    Request body string
proxy.stub('').and_return( { |params, headers, body|
  { :text => "Hello, #{params['name'][0]}"}

Stubs are reset between tests. Any requests that are not stubbed will be proxied to the remote server.

Cucumber Usage

In your features/support/env.rb:

require 'billy/cucumber'

After do

An example feature:

Feature: Stubbing via billy

  @javascript @billy
  Scenario: Test billy
    And a stub for google

And in steps:

Before('@billy') do
  Capybara.current_driver = :poltergeist_billy
  Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist_billy

And /^a stub for google$/ do
  proxy.stub('').and_return(:text => "I'm not Google!")
  visit ''
  page.should have_content("I'm not Google!")

It's good practice to reset the driver after each scenario, so having an @billy tag switches the drivers on for a given scenario. Also note that stubs are reset after each step, so any usage of a stub should be in the same step that it was created in.


Requests routed through the external proxy are cached.

By default, all requests to localhost or will not be cached. If you're running your test server with a different hostname, you'll need to add that host to puffing-billy's whitelist.

In your spec_helper.rb:

Billy.configure do |c|
  c.whitelist = ['', 'localhost', '']

If you want to use puffing-billy like you would VCR you can turn on cache persistence. This way you don't have to manually mock out everything as requests are automatically recorded and played back. With cache persistence you can take tests completely offline.

Billy.configure do |c|
  c.cache = true
  c.ignore_params = ["",
  c.persist_cache = true
  c.cache_path = 'spec/req_cache/'

# need to call this because of a race condition between persist_cache
# being set and the proxy being loaded for the first time

c.ignore_params is used to ignore parameters of certain requests when caching. You should mostly use this for analytics and various social buttons as they use cache avoidance techniques, but return practically the same response that most often does not affect your test results.

The cache works with all types of requests and will distinguish between different POST requests to the same URL.

Customising the javascript driver

If you use a customised Capybara driver, remember to set the proxy address and tell it to ignore SSL certificate warnings. See lib/billy/rspec.rb to see how Billy's default drivers are configured.


  1. Why name it after a train?

    Trains are cool.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


  1. Integration for test frameworks other than rspec.
  2. Show errors from the EventMachine reactor loop in the test output.


A rewriting web proxy for testing interactions between your browser and external sites. Works with ruby + rspec.







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