java version: | 21 |
build system: | maven |
spring version: | 3.2.2 |
run from the localapplication file in src/test/java/com/bachelor/vju_vm_apla2/
NOTE: REMEMBER TO ADD A OWN OAUTH SERVER (we use kinde, but if you want to use an alternative, or your own ouath2 server (like Azure AD))
We have some test methods, this need to be changed to the enviorment methods in a dev/real database method
The compose is depended on a frontend image, please remeber to create a frontend image!
The dockerfile looks after jar file in the target folder. This is created in the dockerfile, so to compile your own jar file should not be nessitary
if you need to create a manual jar file you can use these two commands.
./mvnw compile
and then:
./mvnw package -Dmaven.test.skip
After this, the dockerfile is ready to use
To run the docker Compose file you can do
Docker Compose up