My own implemented solutions using Pharo Smalltalk for Advent of Code coding challenge.
You can load this project into Pharo 12.0 (older versions might work as well) image using:
Metacello new
repository: 'github://Bajger/AdventOfCode/src';
baseline: 'AdventOfCode';
AoC2019 - day 1 to 7 (part 1)
AoC2021 - day 1 to 3
AoC2022 - day 9
AoC2024 - day 3 part 2
Each year is represented by AoC<year nr.>
class, like this: AoC2019
To get result for given day and part of Advent of Code, just simply execute (inspect/print it) in Pharo Playground:
AoC2019 day: 1 part: 1
and you get result (based on input associated with my AoC account).
Not yet implemented/completed solutions will throw error, e.g.: "AoC 2019 - solution not found for day: 20 part: 2."
Just look at class determining given year, complete solutions can be found by evaluating e.g.: AoC2019 aocSolutionClasses
Each class represents one concrete solution for given day and part (order in array gives concecutive days).
Solutions are tested by adequate test classes, for example: PasswordCombinationsTest
represents unit tests for PasswordCombinations